(3) Edgy Yet a Softy

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Hello! I'm back. Now my exams are officially over and I got my marks back...of course, I failed math (^). I'm already at 27 views on my book and I'm thankful. People are actually reading my book (*'︶'*)Welp, time for another chapter!

Your POV

"Finally! It's Friday," I told myself when I stood up in my bed. What should I do today? I Guess I should text Aphmau to see if she can introduce me to a few  other people on the street. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and text her.

Y - You. A - Aphmau

Y - Morning Aph!

A - Morning. What's up?

Y -  Could you maybe introduce me to a few other people on the street?

A - Sure! I'm just about to go to Zane's house. He's my best friend and Garroth's younger brother. I can come pick you up in a few if you'd like?

Y - Ok. You can come in like 5 minutes. I need to quickly get changed

A - K see you!

I turned off my phone, placed it on my bedside table and got changed. I didn't bother showering because I was too lazy. (relatable?) I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and plopped on my couch to wait for Aphmau. I heard a knock at the door and straight away opened it. "Ready?" Aphmau asked. "Yup! Lets go," I replied. We walked over to a grey painted house. Looks quite nice. I wouldn't mind living in there. Aphmau walked over to the door and pressed on the doorbell. A man with black hair covering one eye, wearing black clothes opened the door. He had lovely blue eyes. They look a lot like Garroth's eyes. "Hey Zane!" Aphmau squeaked. "Hello Aphmau. Who's this?" Zane asked. "My name is Y/N. I'm your new neighbour. It's nice to meet you!" I replied. "Hello, my name is Zane. I guess it's nice to meet you too," He replied. He had a mask covering his mouth so I could not tell if he was smiling or not.

I smiled awkwardly. I am usually the person that makes situations awkward. "So, do you guys want to come in for some cupcakes?" Zane asked, breaking the awkward silence. "Sure," Aphmau replied. I just nodded my head in agreement. We went inside Zane's house and the first thing I saw was a Pinkie Cake plush toy on the couch. "Is that yours?" I asked Zane. Zane turned and when he saw the plush, he froze and quickly said, "No! I-It's...umm... it's a gift for Aphmau! Yeah!" I could tell he was lying  by the way he said his words. "It's okay! I love hat show too," I surprised him. "R-really?" He stuttered. I nodded. "I love that show too!" Aphmau stated. "Do you guys want to watch a few episodes?" Zane asked. Aphmau and I smiled and nodded in agreement.

We were 8 episodes in when I realised that it was around 1:00 p.m. I was getting pretty hungry. "Are any of you guys hungry?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Sorry, I forgot about the cupcakes," Zane continued, "I'll go get them. I left them to cool in the kitchen." He got up to get the cupcakes. Zane came back with a tray of cupcakes. They smelled really good! "Wow! You made these? They smell good!" I stated. "Thanks," Zane thanked me. He placed the tray of cupcakes down on the coffee table and we ate them. Not Long later, all the cupcakes were gone. "Well, I should get going now. I don't want to worry the girls. Thanks for having me," Aphmau said. "Ok, bye Aph!" Zane waved goodbye. I waved and she left. "So, you got any siblings?" I awkwardly asked. Zane turned to me and replied, "Uh, yeah. I have two, Garroth,my older Brother and Vylad, my younger Brother." "Oh I know Garroth. I met him yesterday," I replied.

We talked and got to know each other for a while. Zane is a really nice guy. It got a little late so I decided to head home. "It's getting late, I should I head home now. Thanks for the great time!" I thanked. "No problem. Bye Y/N," he said his goodbyes before I left the house. I walked over to my house and when I stepped inside, D/N was on the couch sound asleep. OK that is adorable. I went to shower, change into my pyjamas and went to the kitchen. I microwaved some canned chicken noodle soup and plopped on the couch to watch Netflix.

Today was a lovely day.

AGAIN ITS SO SHORT!!! Sorry for the wait guys. I was a little slow on this chapter because of how lazy and a bit busy I am at the moment. I'm on holidays now so I have a lot more time to write more chapters for you guys! Thanks for reading! Love you! ❤️

~Wolfy :3

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