Chapter 6 ~ Christmas eve.

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I woke up next to Liam. “Good morning beautiful.” He said. “Morning!” “I’ll make you some breakfast!” He said and he stood up and walked out of the room. My phone rang. It was my mum, she called me three times a day, sometimes even more, but I always declined. I decided to answer this time.

“Hey, it’s Leanne.”

“O my god Leanne! Are you okay? We were so worried!”

“Yeah I’m fine.”

“You better come home sweetie, were leaving on Christmas eve.”

“What?! Why?! That’s the day after tomorrow!”

“We all want to be home before Christmas, you understand that don’t you?”

“I guess so…”

“Are you coming home tonight?!”

“Can’t I stay here?!”

“Okay, we’ll see you at the airport then I guess, were leaving at 7pm.”

“yeah… bye mum!”


I started to cry, why do we have to leave so soon?! Then Liam walked in. “What’s wrong babe?” “We’re leaving the day after tomorrow, my mum just called.” “No you’re not, you’re staying with me!” “I can’t…” “YES YOU CAN.” He said, trying to sound like Obama, we laughed. He somehow always managed to make me smile. “You’re gonna stay with me no matter what.”

It’s Christmas eve, I got my suitcases and was about to leave the apartment. Liam stopped me. “Don’t go, I can’t live without you.” “Liam I HAVE to go.” “No, you don’t, they can go home without you.” “I don’t know…” “It’s up to you.” It was quiet for a moment. “I… I’ll stay.” I said and I dropped my suitcases. Liam gave me a hug.

We went over to Louis’ apartment. Then I got a text from my mum.

>>Sweetie! Why aren’t you here?! We’re leaving in 10 minutes!<<

>>I’m sorry mum, but I’m not coming, you can go home without me.<<

“Let’s go to Nando’s!” Niall yelled when we arrived at Louis’ apartment. “A simple ‘Hi’ would’ve been good too.” Liam replied. We all laughed. “Happy birthday Lou!” We all said.

After we went to Nando’s for Louis’ birthday dinner, it was time for him to receive his presents. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything Lou, I owe you something.” “It’s okay, babe.” My phone rang;

“Hello, This is Doctor Dorian from sacred heart, am I talking to Leanne?”

“Uhm, yeah you are, why?”

“We’ve got some bad news, a plane crashed. There were five survivors. One of them is your sister, Olivia.”

“What about my parents?!”

“Unfortunately, they didn’t make it.”

I couldn’t talk nor breath for a moment.

“Hello?” I suddenly heard.

“Uhm… Sorry… Oh my god…”

“You can visit your sister whenever you want.”

“Yeah.. I will… Thanks…”  I said and I hung up.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asked. “Their plane crashed.”

I could see that the boys were shocked too. “Please bring me to sacred heart.” “Ofcourse!”

We got in the car right away.

“She can stay with us, right?” I asked Liam when we arrived at the hospital. “Ofcourse she can!” He replied.

“You must be Leanne.” I heard when we walked into the hospital. A man walked towards us. “Yeah, I am.” I replied. “And this is Liam.” “My name is Dr. Dorian, I’ll show you your sister’s room. We followed him, till we arrived at a small room. It looked cold and boring. We walked in.  “She’s in a coma right now.” The doctor said. I completely froze, I burst into tears. Liam put his arm around me. “It’s going to be all right babe.” “No, it won’t. Look at her! Does she look all right?! And what about my parents! They’re dead Liam! Dead!” I yelled at him. I don’t know why I was so angry at him. I ran away, crying. I guess I just panicked when I saw her like that. Liam didn’t do anything wrong, he was really sweet. He’s probably mad at me now…. I ruined everything.

There was a bench next to the front door, which I sat down on. I buried my head in my hands, and cried. How could this have happened?! I spoke to my mum a few days ago, and now she’s just gone! And so is my dad!

Suddenly I felt an arm around me. I looked up, it was Liam. I rested my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry Liam, it’s just so..” “It’s okay, babe. I understand.” He said, and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

After a while we went back inside. I sat down next to Olivia’s bed, and grabbed her hand. “Is she going to be okay?” I asked doctor Dorian. “She went through a lot, so it’s hard to tell right now.” He replied.

I looked at the magazine shelf that stood behind me. Most of the magazines had me and Liam on the front page.”Liam, look at that.” “Oh god, looks like they’re really trying hard this time.” He said.

Liam and I stayed at the hospital that night.

I woke up at 8 am the next day. I was really tired. “Hey You’re up, I got you a sandwich.” I looked up and saw Liam. “Thanks.” I said. “It’s Christmas day, wouldn’t it be better to go home today?” “I gues…” I replied. Dr. Dorian walked into the room. “We’re going home, pleaselet us know if anything changes.” Liam said. “I will, have a good day.” He said.

The worst memories, are those that made you strong.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu