Chapter 3 ~ Sorry Liam

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“Time for breakfast, are you coming?!” I hear my dad yell. “I’ll come downstairs in a sec!” There was a special room for all the guest to have, breakfast and dinner. I quickly put on some clothes and went downstairs.

After breakfast I decided to go for a walk again. I went to the park, sat down and called Sanne.

“Hey Sanne, it’s me, Leanne”

“Hey sweetie, how are ya?”

“Not that good.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I met this guy…”

“What about Matt?”

“Well… He was really nice to me, and we just talked, and then he handed me a little note and told me that I couldn’t read it till I was back at our hotel.”


“And when I got back, Matt had put candles all over the room, and he was wearing a suit, and it was really romantic and stuff. And when I was reading the note, Matt told me that I could never see this guy again, and I just don’t know what to do anymore!”

“Wow, that’s quite a situation…. What did the note say?”

“That he thinks I’m very special, and he really likes me…”

“Ouch.. I don’t know sweetie….”

“Well… Thanks though, bye!”


“Hey, Leanne!” I turned around, ofcourse, Liam. Perfect timing. “Hey Liam…” He sat down next to me. “Is something wrong?” “It’s just…. No, nothing..” “Are you sure?” “Yeah… I am.” 

He stood up, grabbed my hand, pulled me up and put his arms around my waist. “You can tell me anything, remember that.” I took his hands off of my waist. “I can’t do this Liam… It’s just… My boyfriend…” “Your boyfriend?” “I’m sorry Liam.” I said and I ran away.

“Where were you?” Was the first thing Matt said to me when I arrived at our hotel. “You weren’t with that Liam guy, were you?!” “No, I wasn’t” “Don’t lie to me.” “I’m not!” “Yes, you are!” “Okay! I was with Liam, I told him I can’t see him anymore!” “Yeah right..” He said, right before he hit me.

Olivia walked in, “What was that, did you hear that too?” “I don’t know” Matt replied. “Do you know, Leanne?” He asked me. “No…. I don’t….” Olivia walked away. “Don’t you dare to tell anyone about this.”

After that, Matt went outside, and I hid myself under the blankets for the rest of the day. The tears were streaming down my face.

The worst memories, are those that made you strong.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu