Chapter 10 ~ The letter.

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My granny just came home from doing the groceries. “Leanne, I’ve bought something for you! Can you come down please?” “Wait a sec!” I walked downstairs, she was holding a magazine with a picture of me and Liam at the airport. “I thought you might be interested in reading this.” “Yes, I am. Thanks grandma!” She gave me the magazine, I walked up stairs and read the article.

‘Is One Direction’s Liam Payne in a long distance relationship?!’

‘We were all disappointed when we heard the new about Liam having a girlfriend. But Liam and Leanne were spotted at the airport yesterday. The two lovebirds will be far away from each other for at least a couple of weeks, depending on how long Leanne is going to be in Holland. The One Direction boys will be touring in the US for two weeks, which means Leanne and Liam will be extremely far away from each other during their small tour. Sources have told us that all though they will be that far away from each other, they will not be ending their relationship. But do long distance relationships really last that long?!’

This really opened my eyes. I hadn’t really thought about it that much till this moment. We’ll be far away from each other for weeks! I already missed him after 5 minutes! This isn’t gonna work! What if he meets someone else?! What if I meet someone else?! What if I die because I miss him too much?! Okay, don’t be ridiculous, calm down, none of that’s gonna happen, everything will be okay….

Since I was back in Holland I decided to visit Alisar and Michelle. I haven’t seen them for a long time. I got my bike and went to Alisar’s house. She and her family are probably still a bit upset about Matt though. (Oh yeah… You don’t know… Alisar is Matt’s sister.) She opened the door. “Hi!” I said and I was going to give her a hug, but she had already shut the door before I even had the chance to. “Alisar!” I yelled. “Fuck off!” I heard from the other side of the door. Omg! What did I do to her that made her so mad at me?! I got my bike again and went to Michelle’s house. Her mum opened the door. “Hi, is Michelle at home?” “No, sorry. She’s at Alisar’s place. And she doesn’t really want to see you anymore.” She closed the door. What the fuck is going on?! I was really confused. I wanted to know what was going on so I went to Dhia.. (Sanne wasn’t an option because she was on vacation.) “Please don’t shut the door!” “I will, but you’d have to come in first!” A smile appeared on my face again. We walked upstairs to Dhia’s bedroom. “Do you know why Alisar and Michelle don’t want to see me anymore?” “Uhm.. Yeah… Alisar thinks it your fault that Matt died and… Michelle agrees with her…” “What?! How could they possibly think it’s my fault?! If I went with them it wouldn’t have made any difference, well it would, but it would only mean that I would be dead too!” “I know, I know… That’s why Sanne and I don’t agree with them…” It was quiet for a moment. “Okay, now tell me everything about you and Liam, I wanna hear all the details!” “Haha, okay I’ll tell you, what do you want to know?”

I had a really fun afternoon with Dhia. I went back to grandma’s house at 5 pm, I was just in time for dinner. 

“So, what are you going to do in your spare time now?” My grandma asked. “Uhm… I don’t really know.” “You might as well get a job! I heard they were looking for some new waitresses at that restaurant around the corner.” “That’s not such a bad idea, I’ll go there tomorrow, thanks grandma!” I said.

And so I went to that restaurant the next day, and I got the job! Maybe I can get my mind off of Liam for at least a few minutes a day now…

The days were long, boring. I decided to visit Liam when they come back from their tour.3 days have passed, all though it feels like it’s been over a month. That means I have to wait 10 days till I finally see Liam again… I’m thinking about him way too much! I just can’t help it. Even when I’m working, I can’t concentrate. I keep messing up the orders, and my boss continuously yells at me, I don’t really understand why he hasn’t fired me yet.

I got woken up by Olivia knocking on my door. “Leanne, you’ve got mail!” She said, and she jumped on my bed and sat down next to me. She handed me the rose-printed envelope. There was a letter inside with flower-print on the back of it. It said ‘I miss you X Liam’ And it had a cute little drawing next to it. (look at the picture on the right side of the fanfic.) It was so sweet! “Let me see! Let me see!” Olivia yelled. I showed her the letter. “Ahwwwww!!!” She said. “Do you know where he is? It would be nice if you could send something back!” “No, I don’t… Too bad though.” I replied. “But it’s only 10 days till I see him again…” We didn’t say anything after that, Olivia walked out the door a few seconds later. This day is going to be even harder than the last ones, I think…

I walked outside, towards the little restaurant. I brought the letter with me, I don’t really know why, it just comforted me for some reason. I was staring at it while walking. That wasn’t really the best idea… I tripped over the edge of the sidewalk… I looked up and saw a hand reaching for me, I grabbed it and pulled myself up. I looked into the eyes of my first boyfriend. Every memory came up again, my first date, my first kiss, the first time I was in love, the first time someone broke up with me…

It was 2 years ago, we were dating for a year and a half, I was madly in love with him… But then, after school, he walked towards me. ‘It’s over’ ‘Why?!’ ‘Can’t tell you’ and he walked away, the next day I saw him kissing with someone else, it felt like he ripped my heart out of my body and walked all over it.

And now he stood  right in front of me again, Mike.

The worst memories, are those that made you strong.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu