Chapter 12 ~ Back to London.

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A few days later I went to the magazine store again. I looked through all the different magazines that had One Direction on the cover of it. Hmmmm….

‘One Direction’s Liam Payne in a fight?!’

WHAT?! I immediately ran towards the cash register again.  I ran back to the house and also ran as quickly as I possibly could up the stairs towards my room. I started reading;

‘Liam Payne was attacked by a jealous ex boyfriend of Leanne a few days ago. After he had faked his own death, he went on the same plane as the boys and decided to wait for the right moment to take revenge on Liam for stealing his girlfriend away from him. When Leanne’s family was about to go back to Holland, Leanne didn’t show up at the airport so she could stay with Liam, after Matt found out that she wasn’t coming he stayed in London, waiting for Liam to be alone. That clearly didn’t happen because Liam was with his girlfriend almost all the time, but when the boys took their plane to the US, he bought a ticket to go with them. A few days later, Matt finally noticed that Liam was somewhere alone, Liam had been rushed to the hospital as soon as possible after Matt attacked him, he tried to fight back, but didn’t know that Matt was carrying a weapon. What kind of weapon it was isn’t known yet, but we do know that Liam and the boys are back in London now, and Matt is still on the loose. The boys had to cancel the rest of their shows so they could get Liam back in London as soon as possible. Liam’s family is absolutely shocked, which we all understand, and Leanne probably doesn’t even know! Louis tried to get her to come to London, but Leanne didn’t come, and probably thought that it was another of Louis’ crazy pranks. After the news of Leanne yelling at her other ex boyfriend, we can say that she have had some crazy boyfriends! Now let’s all hope Liam will be better soon!’

OMG, Louis wasn’t joking at all! I had to go to London as soon as possible. I ran downstairs. “Grandma, can you bring me to the airport?!” “Why?” “Can’t tell you, it’ll take too long, just please bring me?!” “Allright, allright! Olivia!” “What?!” we heard her yell from upstairs. “We’re going to the airport, are you coming with us?!” “NO!”

“Can’t you drive any faster grandma?!” “No, or do you want to get stopped by the police?” “How big is the chance that that’ll happen?! Just drive faster please!”

I ran inside. “Are there any spare seats on the plane to the UK?” I asked, completely out of breath. “Yes, but the plane’s leaving in ten minutes.” “When is the next plane leaving?” “Tomorrow morning.” I ran away as quick as I could and hoped to catch the plane before it left. “Am I in time?” I asked the person that stood at the gate for the airport. “Sorry, the plane is about to leave.” “Can’t you stop it?! Please!?!” “I’m sorry.” “My boyfriend’s in the hospital, PLEASE!” I was almost begging on my knees but apparently she couldn’t care less. What else can I say?! “I’m Liam Payne’s girlfriend?” Okay, that was just stupid, like that’s going to help. “My daughter loves One Direction! I’ll see what I can do!” OMG seriously?! Hahaha, I can’t believe that actually helped! Yay! “You can go with this plane, but hurry up!” “Thank you so much!”

I was quite happy that I could finally sit down for a while, I was completely out of breath, but I didn’t care that much, Liam’s worth it! Especially since it’s all my fault. I fell asleep…

“Excuse me, the plane has landed.” The stewardess woke me up. “Oh, I’m sorry!” I said and I walked out of the plane. As soon as I walked out of it, I realized what I was here for again and started running so I could get out of the building as soon as possible. I got into a cab. “Where do you have to go to?” The driver  asked. “To the hospital!” “Which one?” “FUCK! I don’t know which one…” I saw that the driver looked at me trough the mirror in the front of the car. “You look familiar…” “Uh yea, you’ve probably seen me on a few magazine covers like everyone else.” I sighed. “I’ll bring you to the nearest hospital.” “Okay thank you!” We stopped at the same hospital as Olivia had been in. Sacred Heart. I ran inside. “Does Liam James Payne stay in this hospital?” “Yes he does. I’ll bring you to his room.”

I walked in. He looked terrible. “Is he allright?” I asked. “He’s just sleeping now, it’s not as bad as it looks, we only have to wait for the result on a few tests we’ve done, and then he can go home.” I took Liams hand. First Olivia, now Liam, and my parents didn’t even make it to the hospital. It all happened so fast. “I’m sorry Liam, for everything. I wish I came when Lou called me. No, I wish I didn’t even meet you, I only caused you trouble! I wish Olivia didn’t came up with the stupid idea of going to London! I wish Matt didn’t even exist! I wish I didn’t exist! It’s because of me that you’re here, if I didn’t exist you wouldn’t be here right now! I wouldn’t have been here in London, I wouldn’t have met you, You wouldn’t have had a fight with Matt! I’m so sorry Liam!” He opened his eyes. “Liam! Did you hear what I just said or do I have to tell you again…” He smiled at me. “Yes I heard it babe, you don’t have to be sorry, I love you, and I don’t care if I have to lay here for the rest of my life, as long as you sitting right there by my side, I won’t mind.” I blushed. “I love you.” I said and I gave him a hug, and a kiss… “I’m so happy that you’re back.” He said. “I’m happy to be back!”

After half an hour of talking, the doctor came in. “Liam, we’ve got the results on your tests, everything seems to be fine, you can go home!”

I woke up next to Liam the next morning, it felt so good to be with him again. I looked at him sleeping for a while, and then I turned around and took my phone, I got a text!

>I’m really sorry, I hope you still want to see me, can we meet up somewhere? X Mike<

> Sure! But only if you feel like coming to London, I’m with Liam. X<

> Ow, that’s too bad. When can I visit you?<

> I don’t care, you can come whenever you feel like it!<

> Okay, I’ll come when I have time then.<

I put my phone back and tried to fall asleep again. I ended up staring at Liam till he woke up, because I couldn’t manage to fall asleep. He opened his eyes, and smiled at me. “Good morning beautiful.” He whispered to me. “Morning.” I whispered back. “I missed waking up next to you babe.” “I did too.” He gave me a kiss on my cheek. “What do you want to do today?” He asked. “I want to lay here with you all day long.” “Let’s do that.” He said. We kissed… It was amazing. 

The worst memories, are those that made you strong.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu