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It was two days after the incident. It was a Monday and it was the last day before Winter brake. Sam was still in the hospital and Emma was still missing. We decided to go visit Sam after school. We had Abby's mom drive us to the hospital. We asked if Sam was alright and she said yeah she's fine she just has to get surgery on her neck but she will be fine. So we asked to visit her and she showed us to the room Sam was in. She had a deep cut on her neck. Abby ran over and gave her a hug. They all surrounded Sam.
"Are you okay" Will said.
"Yeah I'm fine just my neck hurts" Sam said.
"What happened" Jacob said.
"Well me and Emma were sleeping and all of the sudden I feel someone grab me and me and Emma were being dragged into the woods. The black figure said there was this necklace that had a purple jewel on it and it belonged to a queen back in the past. He said he knows who has it and he will take them in to his world and make her be the queen of the underworld" Sam said.
"What a bunch of bull" Jacob said.
"Wait why did he take u and Emma then. Did u guys have it" Gianna asked.
"No he just took us as a warning if we try to fight them off when they take the person that has it" Sam said.
"Wait, then where's Emma" Abby said.
"Well, Emma, um, last time I saw her she," Sam starts to cry " You know the branch Abby tried to jump off at. She is hung from that" Sam said.
Everyone bolted out side and went into the forest to the spot. It was so obvious Emma would be dead by now. We forgot about her. We killed her. We ran to the spot and saw her, grey and blue. Abby untied her and picked her up. They called 911 and and the ambulance took her away.
"I knew something was going on" will said.
"Hey why don't we have everyone at my house tonight. We can get ready and stay up so just in case if the black figure came and took someone away" Jacob said.
"Great idea" Abby said.
They all went home and started to get ready. Abby went into her room and looked into her bathroom mirror. She noticed that in her jewelry box was a necklace with a purple Jewel on it.
"Oh no" Abby said.
She called will and told him that she had the necklace. Will called Jacob, and Jacob told Sam. Sam couldn't be at Jacobs house nor could Emma. So it was just Jacob, will, Abby , Abigail, and Gianna. We went to Jacobs house. Abby was sitting on the couch starring at the T.V that wasn't on. Abigail sat next to her.
"Hey, it's going to be alright. Me, Gianna, Will, and Jacob will protect you" she said.
She hugged Abby.
It was 3:00 am. Abby was the only one asleep. Every one was still awake, watching out for this shadow of a creature. Then, someone knocked on the door. Will had his knife up and and ready. He opened the door to find a note on the ground. The note said:
U silly fools. Do u actually think mI'm dumb. I'm not coming when u expect it. I'm coming when u don't.
Will showed them the note and they all went to sleep.
It's been a week of Christmas brake. Abby filmed all of this on her YouTube channel as a storytime. It was the first day back and it was play practice. We were in the theater learning the song "Friend like me". Sam wasn't allowed to sing because she just got out of surgery. When we were learning the chorus part, out of nowhere, all the lights went out. Everyone just thought the electricity went off or something. But when the lights came back on, Abby was gone.

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