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As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

May peace, mercy & blessings be upon you!

This story includes a few short chapters on little bits of advice in how to improve in your deen in certain areas and practices of Islam! I pray that by reading these few stories your heart will open wider to Islam, your faith will increase, you will gain knowledge and you will strive to become a better muslimah! Ameen! 

May this story be a source of goodness for us all :) 

if you want to contact me for ANYTHING email me @
(UPDATE: So many sisters have emailed me already asking for advice or just wanting to talk SubhanAllah. It feels so good being able to help someone with questions they have about Islam, or about Qur'an etc. Please do not hesitate so send me an email if you need anything ❤️ 

May Allah bless you.

May Allah purify our intentions & guide us all. 


As salamu alaykum.

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