Hijab. ✨

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I'm a girl in my early teens and I was raised in an Islamic country, Alhamdulillah. Despite that, our family wasn't really that religious. Prayers were there and so were Quran lessons. I personally didn't care about Islam much, since I was a kid.

Then my parents went to perform Hajj. There was a huge improvement in our religious life. But it wasn't until two/three years ago that I understood the true importance of Islam.

I was in seventh grade and I really loved reading our Islamic textbook. I think I borrowed my neighbour's grade 10/11 textbook because we had a chapter from there which wasn't in mine. I immediately skimmed through the index and found one unit to be about Muslim Character/Lifestyle or something. It was all about Hayaa, hijab and other important things which should have been taught from a younger age.

As I read it, it was mentioned that hijab is Fardh after puberty. That really surprised me. Why hadn't I known that? My mother practiced hijab and I always assumed I had to start wearing it in high school or so.

I immediately talked to my mother about this and she agreed with my decision to start wearing the hijab. It was one of the most memorable experiences in my life. It felt amazing. I was doing this to please Allah (swt).

Soon after, I became more regular in prayers. Fajr was a different story. I used to wake up way before my alarm went off and hear the adhaan. I thought to myself that if I don't do this now, I'll never do this. So I started waking up for Fajr. Praying five times a day and not missing any prayers felt fulfilling and rewarding.

To anyone who wants to learn more about Islam, Quran is the best option. But if it is too difficult to understand, children's Islamic books are very good and helpful...and colourful, lol.

As salamu alaykum. ❤


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