Hijab. ✨

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Assalamu alaykum. :)

I was born into a Muslim family, though not a very practicing one. Alhamdulillah, they offer their prayers and fast during the month of Ramadan. I grew up until the age of 13 while being completely oblivious to all other aspects of our deen.

It all began when I got my iPod touch and I got ahold of the internet. I would say that Allah has guided me a lot through Wattpad for which I am grateful for. From books like; 'A Muslim Romantic Love Story' by KittyCrackers and 'Behind her Walls' by Badiaa Mais I learnt how much significance the Hijab holds in Islam.

I was surprised actually, to see how all the characters in most Muslim books wear Hijab and how that was like a symbol of being a Muslim. By that time, I used to pray, but out of ignorance, more like for my parents. Then I found Maher Zain on YouTube. His nasheed's made me wonder; Is this how important our deen is?

Afterwards my eyes got to inspiration series on YouTube by; Mohammad Zeyara and Omar Suleiman. They were truly so inspiring! The series was all about the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

That led me to know the biography of our Prophet ﷺ. Tears would prick my eyes as I continued to learn how amazing of a man our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ truly was.

If anyone asks me, 'how can you influence someone to practice/convert to Islam', I would say make that person know and fall in love with our Lord subhanahu wa ta'ala. Learn how His mercy encompasses every single creation, how His mercy prevails over His anger and the noble character of our beloved Prophet ﷺ.

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "When Allah decreed the creation, he wrote in his book with him on his throne: My mercy prevails over my wrath."
Source: a al-Bukhārī 3022, a Muslim 2751

I believe one can never obey the Creator without falling in love with Him first. Fear will tag along with love automatically, inshaaAllah.

One week before my 16th birthday, I decided that I would finally start wearing the hijab on my birthday and alhamdulillah I did. But my journey of Islam didn't end there, that was only the beginning. My journey to learning more and more about Islam is still going and will keep going inshaaAllah until my last breath.

When I was a new hijabi, I was damn confused as to which style to follow wearing hijab. I even used to waste time watching videos on hijab tutorials. Believe me, styling the hijab only contaminates our intentions of wearing it for the sake of Allah.

I started wearing the hijab by my own way...as simple as possible and as quick as possible. Most of the time, I tried to avoid wearing any attractive scarf. Back then hijab only meant wearing long sleeved dresses and covering the hair. Alhamdulillah, I continue to learn the true meaning of hijab everyday.

'Hijab' is an Arabic word which means to 'cover' or 'conceal'. The real hijab is to cover as much as you can!

One who is able to wear the jilbab should wear that.
One who is able to cover their hands, should wear gloves.
One who is able to cover the face, should wear niqab.
One who is able to cover the eyes should even do that!

The thing is, keep moving from one level to the other in order to dress only to please the Creator and not the creation!

I wear jilbab most of the time, though it's not permanent yet, inshaaAllah I plan to make it permanent and cover up in a much better way with time.

What I believe is, as long as your intentions are right, wallahi you are gaining rewards even if you are not wearing the proper hijab yet. Because Allah is the One who sees what is in our hearts!

He (Allah) knows what is within the heavens and earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare. And Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts.
Qur'an 64:4

A niqabi may be wearing the niqab because of her husband/mother/family or any reason other than to please Allah (swt). In such case what is the obvious thing? She will be protected from the evil eyes of other non-mahram men, but the reward? The reward will be more for a person who is not wearing proper hijab but still trying to do so for the sake of Allah!

Intentions are the most important thing! Intentions are what eventually will lead us to Jannah by Allah's mercy, inshaaAllah!

May Allah reward us all for our efforts and purify our intentions. Ameen.

Assalamu alaykum. ❤️


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