Fajr. ✨

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How I started waking up for Fajr.

As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. :)

I'm going to speak....well, write about how I started waking up for fajr, inshaAllah. :)

I started praying Fajr after all my other prayers as of course, it is definitely the most difficult prayer to keep up with and perform on a daily basis, for me anyway.

If I were to be completely honest, if I hadn't began researching my religion and constantly seeking knowledge of my deen, I probably wouldn't have been able to be so steadfast in my prayers, alhamdulillah.

If you truly want to get closer to your religion and closer to Allah (swt) you need to constantly seek knowledge and get to know your deen. You can never truly know enough. Islam is truly a beautiful religion, words can't even begin to describe it, so give yourself the opportunity to get to know it and to fall in love it with it rather than just following blindly from what your parents taught you when you were a kid, inshaAllah.

Start reading the Qur'an in your own language if you don't understand Arabic, start reading hadith books such as Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawood...etc.

You can read Qur'an with multiple language translations on this website;

You can read hadith books fully from;
They have all the major hadith books and it is all organised in chapters so pick a chapter that you feel intrigued by and get reading, inshaAllah. 😊

Okay, so beginning to wake up for fajr was not easy for me. It probably never is. Why?

It's one of shaytaan's easiest wins. Probably one of the biggest accomplishments of shaytaan is preventing Muslims from getting up and worshipping their Lord in the last third of the night.

I have a couple of things that helped me;

1. The biggest, main one was to actually set my alarm. Yes, the first week or two, maybe even three I did not wake up. I stopped my alarm and went back to bed, but continuously setting your alarm even if you don't wake up is the first step of beating shaytaan. If he prevents you from waking up the first night and you stop setting your alarm after that, are you really trying? How badly do you want it? Continue to set your alarm every day. Don't even set it everyday but put it on repeat for every single day, that way, you don't have the option of 'forgetting' to set your alarm, which does happen.

2- Another main one, don't put your phone under your pillow or on your side table. -.- That's like setting yourself up for failure. 😂 Before you go to sleep at night, get up and put your phone across the room, even if you can't be bothered getting out of your warm bed that you've been laying down in for two hours, slide your phone across the floor to the other side of the room. Even if it's just a couple metres away; as long as it's out of your reach. If you don't normally wake up for fajr, then don't expect to wake up if your phone is under your pillow or on your side table.

3- Try and sleep earlier. Don't just go to bed at twelve and try to sleep at one instead of two, but try to go to bed at eleven and that way your sleep will come earlier. If you're up until three a.m then of course you're going to struggle waking up two or three hours later.

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