Practice. ✨

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As salamu alaykum. ❤

This is the story of how I started to walk towards the most beautiful religion in the whole universe, truthfully and wholeheartedly.

I never was that kind of person who would regularly pray, in fact, I never prayed at all, even though I knew that when you hit the age of puberty, you have to. But what did I care?

Music was my life and wherever I went, I listened to music. I started to wear hijab since year 5 (I am currently in year 10). Thinking back to that life of mine, I truly regret every moment. I disobeyed my Lord, Who still kept me alive after every sin I committed, after every disrespect I directed towards my parents, and yet, I still didn't care.

To me, life was meaningless. Never did I ever thank Allah (swt) for waking me up and giving me life after death.

Half way through year 8, I met a wonderful friend who believed and trusted Allah (swt) every single second of her life. She was the one who taught me everything about Islam. She encouraged me to pray. Alhamdulillah.

I'm ashamed to say that I used to lie to everyone around me saying I pray, especially to my parents. One day, my uncle (who knows how to pray) asked my brother and I to pray in front of him to see whether we prayed and recited correctly. I was scared witless because I knew I lied and couldn't pray. Stupidly, I made a promise to my Lord saying 'I'll pray if I just get out of this problem' and it came true. My uncle didn't make me, nor my did my parents, but then I did the worst thing imaginable. I purposely ignored my promise to God and carried on with the music and lies...sin, sin, sin.

Sorry for going off topic but I just wanted to remind you guys that breaking a promise is very bad and only a hypocrite would do that. If you don't want to be known as a hypocrite then I suggest you don't act like one, like I did. Astaghfirullah.

So half way through year 8, I met that wonderful friend (as I just stated before 😊☺️) who did her best to allow me to walk towards Islam slowly, there was no hurry.

I started off by not listening to songs. Those who have tried this before, I know how hard it is, even more when you're addicted to listening to them 24/7. Of course I didn't stop all at once, I stopped gradually, Alhamdulillah. Listening to nasheed's helps a lot.

Now, whenever I hear music, I despise it and remind myself about death. Do I really want to die whilst committing a sin? Or do I want to die whilst uttering the beautiful words of my Lord?

So bearing that in mind, death was, and always is, on my mind. This helps avert me from sins, Alhamdulillah.

No one liked my friend because she was 'too religious' and so she had no friends. :( At first, I too disliked her. Everyone in the whole school did, but eventually we got along together. We first started to talk after being paired up in an English class. From then on we have been best friends and I do not even hesitate from saying, 'Yes, she's my best friend and always will be, InshaAllah'. Alhamdulillah.

Wrapping this all up, I would like to end it with some advice. Well, I call them advice, I don't know if they are.

1- When I first started to pray, everything in my life got better. Obstacles came of course, but to test us. Always trust your Lord, He cares for you every single moment of your life.

2- Of course shaytaan never gives up his ways of distracting us and playing with our faith, but we all need to remember that the first steps we take in Jannah (InshaAllah) will make us forget the pain in this world.

3- Never disobey your Lord, never forget to pray because Allah (swt) didn't forget to wake you up. (One of my favourite quotes lol)

4- Never hurt someone's feelings, intentionally or unintentionally. Just remember, would you like it if those words were repeated back towards you?

Allah hafiz.

And thanks to the dear author, I have been able to share my experience. Hope you guys learn a lot.

And remember, success only comes because of Allah (swt). ❤❤❤


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