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/Am I more than you've bargained for, yet? I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear - cause that's just who I am this week. Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum. I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song. Drop a heart, break a name. We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team. We're goin' down, down in an earlier round. And, sugar, we're goin' down, swinging. I'll be your number one, with a bullet. A loaded God complex, cock it, and pull it/ ~ Fall Out Boy {Sugar, We're Goin' Down}

Jackson's Perspective

If I had a dollar for every time I rolled my eyes or shot Landon Parker a death glare, I would've been the richest man in the world.

Yes, I hated him that much. If only my sister agreed. We may look alike, but believe me, we are way beyond the same. It was so much easier when it was just Lily, May, Owen, D, Jess, Kris and I. Well, even before that. Everything was better when it was just the four of us. May, Owen, Kristen and I. The...'Fantastic Four' if you will. I asked Kristen once if I could call us that, she almost broke my nose.

But, fantastic or not, four people or not, it was still simple that way. Landon's arrival just seemed to screw everything, and everyone up. Personally, I was the first to call it.

The first time I saw Landon's gaze drift from his desk over to Kristen, something inside my brain snapped. I was no longer Jackson William Walker, the brother. I was Jackson William Walker, the super-over-protective-guy-that-would-straight-up-kill-a-guy {preferably Landon} -if-anything-bad-happened-to-his-sister brother.

That's when I began to stalk them at work. When Kristen would get up to get a coffee and Landon would inevitably get up a few seconds after, I would make sure that I got to her first.

Like the one time, for instance...

"I'm heading to Starbucks. Does anyone want anything? Or, wanna' come?" Jessica heaved herself out of her chair, and opened her mouth. "Besides, Jessica?" Kris asked, cutting Jess off. Jess pouted, and looked down at her desk sadly, taking her previous seat.

"I'll have a coffee."




"Coffee." Landon chimed in. "And if you don't mind, I'll -"

"Asshole." I coughed. Everyone turned to me in confusion, as I cleared my throat. Shooting everyone a false smile. "Sorry, I had something stuck in my throat."

"Yeah, totally," Kris groaned. She shook her head, and walked out of the bullpen. Alone. Landon had got up and went to go talk to Charity. And when he was out of sight, everyone was turned to me, giving me looks.

I rose my hands in defense. "What?!" Glares. Glares everywhere. "Aw, c'mon," I whined. "It isn't like you wanted them together, in the first place!"

Shaking their heads they went back to their work.

But it wasn't just Kristen I ended up watching over. Oddly enough, I wanted her to date someone. Just not Landon. Possibly a certain guy on our team that she's know for pretty much her entire life. Yes, I wanted her and Owen to go out.

After being surrounded by supposedly 'fangirls' {Jessica, Lily, Delilah, May, Charity} who 'shipped' {whatever the hell that was} Owen and Kris together, I started to notice that they actually looked decent together. It didn't help my end of the previous argument when Kris got Balto for Christmas.

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