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/Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky, are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now. Yeah, I could use a dream or a genie or a wish - to go back to a place much simpler than this. Cause after all the partying, and smashing, and crashing - and all the glitz and the glam and the fashion - and all the pandemonium, and all the madness, there comes a time when you fade to the blackness - and when you're staring at that phone in your lap, and your hoping but them people never call you back. But that's just how the story unfolds, you get another hand soon after you fold. And when your plans unravel in the sand, what would you wish for if you had once chance/ ~ B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams {Airplanes}

May's Perspective

"So, her blood was laced with atracurium and doxacurium chloride?" Landon asked. The ME - Carmen - smiled.

She moved over to the body whom we ID'd as; Sarah Carpenter, lifting her arm up to us, using a glove covered finger to point to the small hole in the midsection of her arm. "A butterfly needle, was probably used in the transfusion."

Landon shimmied up beside Carmen who continued to pin point out signs that she was drugged. "What does atracium and doxacurium chloride do, exactly?" I asked.

Carmen placed an hand on her hip, sighing. "The two drugs are often used as a muscle relaxant, however, they can be used as a freezing technique. These drugs will relax the muscles so much, that with the proper amount of dosage can place you into temporary paralysis."

"So, this drug is accessible?"

Carmen shook her head. "No. In fact, very few hospitals allow this drug. Doctors and surgeons prefer to use other forms of muscle relaxant and freezing drugs over these two."

I nodded, looking at Sarah. Her blonde hair was a darker brown from being wet, and her pink lips were pale, along with her skin, giving her flesh a blueish color. "We know COD was an asthma attack -"

"Yes." Carmen replied, pointing to the screen above her. "She was dead for at least four hours." Carmen tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then turned to me. "But I did find something...odd that I thought you two - the FBI -" she corrected herself and continued, "Would be interested in."

She placed her hands on the white cloth covering the body, and rose it up slightly, revealing a patch of her thigh to us. On the thigh, was a tattoo. The color scheme wasn't extraordinary, however the art itself was impressive.

The tattoo consisted of a large, black hat, with a white rabbit coming out of the top and beside the hat was a broken tea cup. Behind the hat, and the rabbit was a red-heart playing card. "It looks fresh," Landon added. I looked up to him, confused. "I have a few tattoo's myself, the way the skin is slightly red mean's that it's fresh."

"Exactly." Carmen mentioned. She turned around to collect something when Landon leaned over to me.

"Not too shabby for a newbie, hey?"

I shook my head, focusing back onto Carmen who had an iPad in her hands. "While I had some time to kill, I figured out that this tattoo is a specific design -" she held the iPad up to us, with an image of the same exact tattoo on it.

"So it isn't an original request?"

"Nope. My sister got one like that a few years back. I've seen a couple people now-a-day's with the same tattoo. It's pretty popular."

"Do you happen to know what tattoo shop specializes in this tattoo design specifically?" I asked, handing the iPad back to her.

"Yeah. Some where closer to the other side of Las Vegas is a tattoo parlor called 'Inky Hearts'. My sister went there to get her's done. They do a pretty damn good job with their tattoo's. Why? Do you think one of the employees did this?"

THE CRIMINAL FILES ~ Happily Never AfterWhere stories live. Discover now