Chapter 7: Turning Point

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Tiara walked into her first period and almost had to look around to make sure she was in the right class. Mrs. Ordeniro had the black tables in a rectangle around the whole classroom instead of the traditional two by seven with one big aisle down the middle. Tiara sat down at what she thought to be her table with her partner Alexandria. 

"Do you know why she has the tables set up like this?" Alexandria asked.

"Nope," Tiara answered as she sat her books and purse on top of the table.

Alexandria's eyes widened when she'd seen Tiara's purse and out of her mouth came a gasp, "That purse is so cute!" She reached out her hand to feel the pink, scaly leather, "Where'd you get it?!"

"Thanks. And I got it online."

"You must have, because I've never seen this purse in any stores! And trust me, I've been to a lot of stores." Alexandria responded still in shock. The bell for first period to began rang and everyone took their seats. Alexandria flipped her blonde hair over her shoulders and pulled her binder towards her to retrieve some paper. 

"Good morning class," Mrs. Ordeniro began. She started to talk but Tiara zoned her out remembering that she was out of paper.

"Can I borrow some paper, Alex?" Tiara whispered.

Alex nodded and reopened her binder to give Tiara some paper.

"Now there are two reasons I've set the tables up like this. One, is because we have a new seating chart, and two is because we have someone coming in to discuss some things with you guys. And he kind of wanted it in a socratic seminar kind of way," Mrs. Ordeniro explained. "The tables will be back to normal tomorrow, so don't get too accustomed."

Some of the kids groaned and grumbled. "I kinda like it this way," one girl announced.

Mrs. Ordeniro nodded and said, "That's great. Now everyone grab your stuff so I can give you new seats!" She said in a cheerful voice as if she thought everyone would think it was a great idea. When in reality, everyone liked the seats they were in. But nonetheless, the students gathered their things. 

"Kathryn, Angela...Matthew, Taylor...Stacey, Alexandria," Mrs. Ordeniro called pointing from seat to seat reading off of a piece of paper.

"Well," Alexandria started as she gathered up the rest of her stuff. "It's been a good one and a half quarters, Tiara." 

Tiara smiled and said, "Don't miss me too much."

"I just might since I have to sit next to annoying Stacey..." they both shared a quick laugh before Alexandria started towards the other side of the classroom. 

"...Andrew, Keith," Mrs. Ordeniro continued. "Tiara annnnd, Cheyenne." 

Tiara was kind of disappointed that she didn't get to sit by anyone she was closer with, but Cheyenne was okay. She didn't have any problems with her. All she knew was that she had a shady personality, but she was set on trying not to let that interfere with how they cooperate with school work.

Tiara started to put her stuff down on the left side of the table but Cheyenne beat her to it. She slammed her books right underneath Tiara's and sat down. All without a single word.

"I think Mrs. Ordeniro put me here," Tiara said in an understanding tone.

"It's not like it really matters," she responded without looking up. She was examining her pink and white stiletto nails and gave off a little frown when she noticed a silver gem from her ring finger nail was missing. 

"Okaay," Tiara softly spoke to her self quite annoyed. She sat down in Cheyenne's assigned seat and opened her Chemistry book. She looked up and stared out the window. She kind of liked the view from where she was sitting. Since her Chemistry class was on the 2nd floor, all she saw was the blue sky and out in the distance, a couple of aparments and houses. No one knew why but Mrs. Ordeniro never let the blinds down in her class. 

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