Chapter 35: A Candid Goodbye

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"Tiara," Mrs. O'Connor called as she leaned over her desk. The vulnerable teenage girl sat in front of her, sobbing her heart out. She had been sitting in this office for over twenty minutes in complete silence. Not being able talk, not being able to move. She just sat there, staring at the big chestnut desk in front of her. She didn't know how to feel. She was upset, but she couldn't tell whether she was mad or sad, or both.

But she found. her answer when she all of sudden began to burst into uncontrollable tears.

Mrs. O'Connor got up from behind her desk to console her. She had seen the video. The whole thing was three minutes long, and she sat in her office and watched it in anger, sorrow, and in complete disgust.

Most of the teachers turned the T.Vs off before it got too ugly. The video went on to talk about how Tiara was a gold digger and how easy it was for her to be bought. All the while showing pictures of when Brandon asked her to homecoming. Near the very end, there were sound clips playing of her voice saying things that she never said herself.

Mrs. O'Connor already knew that no student could withstand something like that without breaking down, so she took the initiative to stand outside of her office into the lobby of the school for any signs of Tiara. Almost a minute after the video finished, Tiara had stormed through the lobby's door, and Mrs. O'Conner stopped her. She didn't know where she was going but she knew she had to get out of that school.

"We're going to find the person who did this to you. And they will not be happy with the punishment they receive," she said placing a comforting hand on Tiara's back. "Now I'm gonna step outside for a minute. II'll be out in the main office whenever you're ready to talk." She was wearing a sorrowful smile that Tiara couldn't even see. She was too busy sobbing into her hands. But she nodded her head to show her that her words were understood.

Mrs. O'Conner closed the door behind her, and a list of people who had promised revenge instantly filled her head. But who would be evil enough to do something like this? All of those secrets were told in confidentiality to only three people. Daniel, Kendra, and Brandon. But Tiara would have never thought any of them would do something like this. And if it wasn't any of them, then who was it?

She cried even harder realizing that she was nothing but the homecoming joke. She didn't win because people liked her. She won because people wanted a good laugh. Daniel was right. She was just another 'Carrie'.

Three minutes later, her lap was covered in damp Kleenexes, and the tears had ceased. Leaving a stuffy nose and a pair of red eyes.

She leaned back in her chair and exhaled deeply. It felt so good to just let it all out. She had no desire to cry anymore. She couldn't cry anymore. Her body wouldn't let her.

Mrs. O'Connor came peering through the narrow glass window on the door moments afterward. Tiara nodded, letting her know that she was ready to talk.

She stepped inside the office with a smile. It was obvious to Tiara that she was trying to lighten the mood. But it wasn't working.

The view of Tiara's tissues came into Mrs. O'Connor's sight, and she reached behind her to grab the trash can.

"Thank you," Tiara said with a nasally voice as she put the trash can down in front of her.

"Now," Mrs. O'Connor began, plopping down in her computer chair. "Let's get this investigation started." She reached over and took a clipboard and pen from the corner of her desk. "First of all, do you know who did this?"

Tiara shook her head whilst squeezing a dry piece of tissue in the palm of her hand.

"Do you have any idea? Like, has anyone promised revenge or has threatened you? Because to be honest, this looks more like a revenge video than a persecution video."

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