Chapter 36: Epilogue

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Two Months Later - December 

Everyone cheered and applauded as the Macon Symphonic Orchestra played their final notes. The director motioned for the orchestra to stand up, and then bow. Tiara smiled down at Chris and Daniel who were on the only two standing up in the whole auditorium. She sat in the third row of the cello section, and she could perfectly see the two boys cheering like maniacs. She smiled of embarrassment. 

The people around the two boys looked over at them like they were crazy. They must've thought they were too 'classy' to be overly supportive. But Chris and Daniel didn't mind. They sat back down in their seats as everyone else got up to leave. 

Tiara was making her way back to the orchestra room feeling extremely accomplished when she was stopped by a man wearing a black suit. "Mrs. Jones," he called from down the hallway.

She turned around as the man approached her. 

"Are you Tiara Jones?" he asked once they were in speaking distance.

"Yes." she nodded, placing her bow in the same hand her cello was in.

The man held out a white envelope, and Tiara hesitantly took it. "I'm Mark Becker, the Office of the President of Georgia State University." 

Tiara gasped when he said 'Georgia State University'.

In late November, Daniel had received a letter saying that he had been recruited to play on Georgia State University's basketball team. This was literally every couples dream come true.

"And we've been following your education and achievements for awhile. I have to say, I'm quite impressed. We were interested because you've been a straight A student since your freshman year. But the fact that you  beat out twelve of the best cellists in your district to play with this orchestra, was the beautiful creole!" he said with a smile.

The astonishment on her face was clear. She couldn't believe this was happening. She smiled down at the envelope like its contents had the secret to life long happiness inside. "Wow," she whispered. "Th-thank you, sir!" 

"No, thank you," the man smiled. "Our college application is inside as well. Fill that out, turn it on, and I'll handle it from there. As long as you want to. Hit me with an answer soon," he added with his hand out. 

Tiara took it and shook it. "Will do," she beamed.

As she made her way back to the orchestra room, the voice inside her head said, 'What about ITU?' 

Tiara grabbed her cello case from out of the locker she was assigned for the night, and placed her newly bought cello into its case. Her mother had bought it for her a few weeks ago. And it was with her first paycheck that she made as the Director of Pammy's Playhouse. Mrs. Jones had gotten the job, and Karen had hooked her up with one of the best prosecutors in town. Things were looking up for the Jones family.

As for the cello Brandon had given her, she felt obligated to return it to him. 

After Tiara had everything packed to go home, she started towards the empty auditorium where Daniel and Chris would be waiting for her. 

"Guess who?" she said standing in the middle of the back of their seats. She had a hand placed over each of their eyes, cutting the conversation they were having short. 

"Hmm," Chris commenced. "Santa?"

"Jesus?" Daniel replied.

"Shut up," Tiara laughed. "Let's go," she said turning and starting towards the door. Chris and Daniel followed behind. Daniel grabbed Tiara's cello to carry as they exited out of the auditorium. 

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