Tom Imagine

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Tom Imagine: "What, what?" Tom laughs as messes your hair up. "Thanks I think it made me look better!" You say blowing a piece of hair out of your face. "Yeah, it did!" You look at Tom astonished. "I was joking!" He laughed and hugged you. "It's 2am what are we doing at Mcdonnalds?" You say looking out the window. "What, I'm hungry, want something?" He asked getting out of the car. "Sure!" You walk in and grab some food. "Follow me!" He says leading you to the back room where the kids pen was set up. He set the food down and climbed up the stairs to the top looking down at you. He started beating his chest like a monkey. You laugh and shake your head at him. "Come on!" You motions you up. You run towards the stairs. You hear him coming down the slid next to you and you speed up. He grabs you and line you against the wall. He leans into kiss you and you slip under his arm and crawl through the tunnel. "Nice one!" He laughs. You slide down the slid and he comes down behind you. You run to the table and sit down. "I win!" You yell taking some of his fries. He walks over with a smirk and kisses you. "I win!" He laughed.

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