Max Imagine

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Max imagine: "What are you two doing?" Jay says opening yours and Max's door. "I'm letting him do my hair, cause he has none" he smile at the camera Jay was holding. You feel max grab your ear. "You're pretty bad at this max" jay laughs "how bad is it!?" You lean your head back to look at him. "It's not that bad" he laughs kissing you. "It's bad" you laugh. "You're horrible at lying" you laugh. "She's got you there" Jay says. "Oh get out of here" max says playfully shoving Jay to the door. "Say good goodbye to the love birds." Jay says. "Want me to do your hair?" You ask standing in front of max. "Good luck" he laughs. He plays slips a piece of you loose hair behind your ear. He leans in and whispers into your ear, "I love you" he kisses your neck. "Love you to" you close your eyes and he holds you. "I wish we could stay like this forever" he laughs. "Like what?" You ask. "Wrapped in each others arms" he looks at you and smiles. "Me to" you lean in and kiss his lips. 

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