Max Imagine

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Max Imagine: you run down the street, water splashing around your feet. "Excuse me!" You blurt out as you push through the crowd of screaming girls. You reach the gate and see the boys coming towards you. "Excuse me, I need to get through!" You say to one of the security guards. "That's what they all say!" He said sarcastically. "No really!" He looks at you. "There's no way!" He got cut off by the sound of Max's voice. "Hey beautiful!" He said hugging you and pulling you over the gate. "You're back!" You say holding him tightly. "Yup, and you're here!" He says kissing the top of your head. "Of course I am, where else would I be!" He grabs your hand and you walk with them to the van. "You're reunited and it feels so good!" Jay laughed as he watched you and max exchange one last kiss before climbing into the van. Max playfully smacks jay over the head. It was good to see the boys again after months of them being away.

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