Nathan Imagine

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Nathan imagine: "I'm so excited!" You say to one of your friends you met in the crowd. "Next up is a little song which was one of our singles. We actually did this song for charity" you knew right away what song it was before they said it. "This so gold forever" you scream along as your voice blends with the crowd. The music shakes your chest and you feel like a force field hits you every time the bass hits. "Everybody jump" you hear Tom yell. Like puppets you did what he said and everyone around you went crazy. You start laughing realising how much fun you're having. You look around the stage taking turns looking at all the boys. you look over at Nathan who stops an makes eye contact with you. Your heart skips a beat and you practically lose all thought. He points at you as he sings. Your smile stretches from ear to ear and you feel your heart flutter away. He smiles and winks at you as he starts dancing around. You jump up and down from excitement realising what just happened. You look at him and raise a heart up and he sends one back. "Oh my gosh" you yell flailing around practically stumbling over your own feet. "Oh my gosh he totally made eye contact with you" your friend says helping you grab your balance. "I know I can't breathe" you say still flailing about.

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