7: Cave Talks

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Darkness. Darkness was all around her, suffocating her.

Leia heard muffled voices, but they were drowned out by the loud ringing in her ears that took up almost all her hearing. She felt her mouth open and didn't hear herself make a sound, but based on how she suddenly felt someone's hand shaking her shoulder she must have made some sort of noise.

She tried to talk, but something was covering her mouth, resulting in a blubbered sort of moan. Still not opening her eyes, Leia pulled off the thing that was covering her mouth and spoke.


"You alright?" That sounded like Luke, and Leia opened her eyes just enough to see him. Except that she couldn't see anyone.

Leia gasped as she realized she couldn't see anything even with her eyes open, and started panicking. "Luke?!"

"I'm right here, calm down!" He insisted, grabbing her shoulders.

"Why can't I see?!"

"We're in a cave. No one can see."

"Oh thank goodness; I though I was blind."

Through the darkness she heard Luke chuckle and help her to her feet, and she felt the body heat of everybody surrounding her.

"Blast, are you okay?"

"We all thought you were dead!"

"You alright?"

"Guys, I'm fine!" Leia insisted, and a bright light illuminated the cave just long enough to let her see everyone's concerned faces. That light also made her head pound profusely, and she squeezed her eyes shut right after.

Luke noticed. "Biggs, turn the light down will you? Leia probably has a concussion."

"Sorry!" Biggs exclaimed rapidly, dimming the lantern. Leia opened her eyes into slits to make sure the light was okay, then opened them all the way.

"It's fine, Biggs. You didn't know." She replied, letting herself be guided over to a rock and sat down next to Kaye and Luke. The lantern sat in the middle like a fake fire, with rocks surrounding it that all six sat on. Leia sat in between Kaye and Marka, with Luke next to Kaye (obviously; she knew he had a crush on her) and Biggs next to him and Tank, and Tank next to Marka so that they were all in a circle.

"What happened?" Kaye asked, rubbing Leia's shoulder in concern.

Leia shrugged. "I dunno, I was just looking around, and Luke yelled for you guys to look out, and then I felt a sharp pain on my head and everything started spinning, and that's all I remember."

"What day is it?" Luke quizzed her, and Leia chuckled.

"It's the day before Empire Day, numbnuts. The rock didn't knock the smartness outta me."

"Just checking to make sure you didn't have any memory things!" He said defensively, then Leia heard him mutter, "The rock didn't knock the annoyingness outta you, ether."

She shot him a glare, then shifted her gaze to Kaye. "I'm fine, honestly."

"Well that's good, right?" Kaye asked cheerily, but her face fell as she looked around. "Nothing else is."

It just dawned on Leia that they were trapped in a cave, and she felt her stomach drop. "Wait, so we're stuck in a cave because the rocks filled it in?"

"Yeah." Biggs sighed and rested his head in his hands, looking at the lantern. "We are."

"Oh, blast." Leia whispered, biting her lip and staring at Kaye worriedly. However, something else struck her mind.

 Luke and Leia - Twins [1]Where stories live. Discover now