2: A Sandy Grave

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"Luke, get up! It's time for breakfast!"

The banging against Luke's door woke him with a start, and he jumped up so quickly that he hit his head against the low ceiling. Grimacing in pain and rubbing his head, Luke crawled out of his bed and quickly pulled on a tunic and his normal beige pants.

Aunt Beru's gonna kill me. He thought, putting on his belt hastily. That's the second time I've been late getting up in the past week.

Luke practically flew out the door and into the dining area, looking out into the crater from the open archway that served as the main route that connected the dining area to the rest of the household.

Aunt Beru gave him a glare when she walked out of the kitchen and into the dining area, but Luke had the feeling that she was also impressed with just how fast he could get ready when pushed. Maybe she'll let me sleep in later now.

Uncle Owen entered the room and sat down, greeting Luke with a nod and a small smile. "Sleep well?" He asked gruffly.

"Yeah, but I slept in late again." Luke admitted, biting his lip and risking a glance at his surly uncle.

Uncle Owen made a grunt of disapproval and ate the vegetables that Aunt Beru had just set at the table. Luke did the same, munching on a carrot and wondering why in the galaxy he told his uncle something that would definitely get him in trouble later that day. You really have to stop being so blasted honest, Luke.

At that exact moment Leia entered the area with her own plate of food in one hand and a plate of fish in the other, quietly setting the fish down in the center of the table and sitting next to Luke, while Aunt Beru sat across from her.

The family ate in silence for a bit, and as Luke tasted the fish he reluctantly praised his sister on her cooking skills. Mentally, of course; there was no way he'd actually ever tell her she was better at something than him. She'd never let him live it down.

He heard her sigh discreetly, and looked over curiously. She shook her head as if to say later, and Luke looked back down at his plate. He wondered what was bothering her, but before he could guess Uncle Owen spoke up.

"Now Luke, I want you out with the vaporators today with me. We have to check that they're still efficient. Bring that silver protocol droid too, we'll need it to talk to the vaporators and see what's going on if there's something wrong. After we're done eating, I want you to go prep the rusty old speeder."

Luke made a face. "Why can't we take the nice speeder? It's faster, too."

"Luke, I've told you why I bought that nice speeder. It's for making trips into town and picking up shipments. That's it."

Luke looked down and picked at his fish. Good thing Uncle Owen didn't know that he had taken it racing every now and then with Biggs and the gang. If he found out then he'd be dead for sure. No arguments, he would just leave him out in the Jundland Wastes to deal with sand people on his own.

He shivered at the thought, and took a bite of fish before thinking too long about it. Over the crunching of his own chewing, Luke heard Uncle Owen start to assign a role to Leia as well.

"Leia, you're with your Aunt today. A new food shipment is coming in today, and-"

"Does that mean we get to use the good speeder?" Luke asked, then realized that he'd interrupted his uncle. Uncle Owen stared angrily at him, and Luke shrunk under his gaze.

Uncle Owen cleared his throat and continued. "And I need you two to cut up and store the food before it goes bad. Leia, since you cooked breakfast this morning it's your turn tomorrow, Luke."

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