11: Explosions

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A few months later

Leia paced the living room, looking out the window to see that it was already dark. Where in blazes is he?

The sound of a speeder soon answered her question, and she waited angrily for her brother to enter the room from the garage. She sat on the couch firmly and crossed her arms. He'd better have a good reason for being this late.

The door opened and Leia sprung up. "Where the kriff have you been? It's like three in the morning!"

Luke entered in the room and held his hands up defensively. "Sorry, but I got held up taking her home! I would have gotten home sooner but the speeder had some troubles."

Leia relaxed a little. A little. "Okay, but at least comm me next time! You two could have gotten killed or hurt or kidnapped or something!"

They both entered the kitchen, and Luke grabbed a glass of blue milk. "You're starting to sound more like Aunt Beru every day."

Leia winced. "Ugh. Please don't say that."

Luke chuckled and sipped some of the milk. However, he immediately spit it back out and, much to Leia's dismay, right into her face.

"Ew! Luke!" She exclaimed, wiping the milk off of her face and looking down at her hand in disgust." What-"

"I think the milks gone bad." He explained, making a face and pouring his glass down the drain.

"Well that doesn't give you an excuse to spit it in my face! That's gross!"

Luke bit back a smile, which infuriated Leia. "Sorry, it's a reflex."

"Yeah, sure it is." Leia grabbed a towel and wiped her face. "My face is going to be sticky all night."

Luke chuckled. "Sorry."

Then Leia remembered that Luke had been on a date with Kaye before this, and she immediately put the towel down. "So? How was it?" She asked nonchalantly, but on the inside she was dying to know.

Luke smiled teasingly. He knew her too well. "I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Oh, that's just cruel."

"But I'm tired."

"But I want to know, and I'll keep you up all night if I have to."

"You'd sacrifice your own sleep to keep me from sleeping?"

"If that's what it takes, then yes. Yes I would."

"That's dedication if I ever saw it." Luke grinned and opened the fridge, grabbing some cocoa. "Want some?"

Leia took this as a sign that Luke would tell her about the date, and eagerly accepted. He heated up the water and poured the powder into two mugs, with Leia stirring hers and Luke stirring his. Luke took a sip of his and immediately put it down. "Oh, I forgot something. Be right back."

He left the kitchen and entered into the garage, leaving a confused Leia in the kitchen. Where's he off to now?

Luke came back in just as quickly as he'd left, except this time he had a huge grin on his face. He was hiding something behind his back, and whichever way Leia looked to get a peep he turned the other way so that she wouldn't see.

"What is it."

"Close your eyes and open your mouth."

"You really think I trust you after that little milk stunt? No, not until I know what it is."

"Just shut up and do it. Please?"

Leia sighed. "Fine. But I'm never trusting you again if this is a prank."

 Luke and Leia - Twins [1]Where stories live. Discover now