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Chapter 2

*Chase's POV*

"Woah!" I gasped as I walked into the venue. I had just flown 7 hours from Newark to Paris. I was here to participate in a tour called Magcon. My heart was pounding as I walked aimlessly around the large room. 

"You like what you see?" A loud voice chuckled, making me jump. 

"It's a lot bigger then my street corner!" I smiled softly as a tall, dark haired man with a scruffy face walked up to me. 

"Bart, I'm the one who flew you out here!" He smiled, shaking my hand. 

"Chase, I'm the one you flew out here!" I giggled, shaking his hand. 

"For the show tonight, you'll come out with the guys, then you'll sing after Trey! What ever happens, don't be nervous!" He sighed and I shook my head. 

"Nothing can be more nerve racking then singing on the corner of Broadway and West 53rd! You have tons of thousands of people walking past you, judging you terribly!" I gulped, looking at the stage. "At least I don't have to sing in the rain!" I smiled and Bart laughed. 

"That is true!" He smiled. "You get to sing 3 songs, you have any idea what you're going to sing?" He looked at me and I nodded. 

"Yeah, Love Song, Hallelujah, and All Summer Long! Those are my biggest and best songs I can sing!" I crossed my arms, looking up at Bart. "Am I dressed okay? I don't usually have to deal with a dress code!" I gulped and he looked at my outfit which consisted of Army green Balmain skinny biker trousers, black t-shirt, and black vans high tops. My naturally straight, honey brown hair was tied up into a ponytail and I had on a faint amount of mascara making my bright green eyes pop. 

"You look perfect!" He smiled and I took a deep breath, smiling softly as I continued to stare at the foreign stage. . 

"BART!" A man yelled as he came running in. "I can't program the music from your laptop to Cameron's. The whole set is lost!" The man huffed and I looked over at Bart who seemed extremely disappointed. 

"Are you kidding me right now?" He sighed, rubbing his face. 

"I can probably help you..." I chirped and they both looked at me. "I'm kinda really good with computers..." I gulped and Bart shook his head. 

"No, you're talent... This isn't an issue that you should worry about!" He hissed and the other man shook his head. 

"You probably couldn't do it anyways! I'm good with computers too and this is impossible!" He growled and I cleared my throat. 

"Can I at least try?" I smiled softly. "Five minutes, max!" I begged until Bart finally nodded his head.  

"Here, give it your best shot!" The man handed me the laptop and I got to work. Approximately 1 minute and 32 seconds after I got the computer, I handed it back to the man. 

"I named it 'Computer Whisperer' and I even color coded your folders!" I smiled and they both stared at me. "I'm really good with computers!" I shrugged. 

"Bart, we have an hour until the show, the doors are opening in 5 minutes!" Another man yelled, breaking the silence. 

"Let's get you back stage!" Bart cleared his throat, leading me and the other man through the venue. 

"I'm Chase by the way!" I smiled at the computer man. 

"Derrick!" He mumbled. "Are you like, a genius?" He gulped and I shook my head. 

"I don't know!" I laughed. 

"What did you get on your SATs?" He jumped. 

"A 1500, why?" I smiled and he shook his head. 

"You are a genius!" He yelled, making me laugh. 

"My dad was a professional hacker for the FBI and he taught me everything I know about computers! So I technically learned from the best!" I giggled and Derrick nodded. 

"Your father must be a very good and intelligent man!" He smiled as we walked through a dark, narrow hallway. 

"He was..." I mumbled under my breath. 

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