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Chapter 6

"My name is Chase Lucas and I'm an 18 year old singer and performer! I grew up on West 31st street which is in midtown Manhattan." I smiled at the camera for Cameron's tv show. "I started singing when I was in 3rd grade. We were auditioning for one of the shows on broadway like normal 3rd graders do, and it was a mandatory audition for all 3rd graders in my school at the time. I was chosen but my parents made me decline because it was too risky for my father who was an FBI agent. After that, my life kinda spiraled down the shit hole! In 8th grade, my mother was sent to prison." I started to choke up and the lady behind the camera cleared her throat. 

"You don't have to explain if you don't want to...." She gulped and I nodded, wiping my eyes. 

"Um, I was supposed to be sent to live with my grandma but she flew out to NY for 2 weeks, we passed all the social workers tests, and then after those 2 weeks, my grandmother passed away from a stroke." I cleared my throat, just staring down at the ground. "In the city, the people don't care about you. They don't care if you can't afford an education, food, a house, they don't care! I was able to afford my school up until my junior year of high school. I dropped out and decided to put my time and energy into something I cared about. I did this so If I were to die one day in a random cross fire, or a drunk cab driver, I would have no regrets!" I sighed, looking back up at the camera. "So, I took over the corner of 53rd and Broadway. I would bring my foldable 100 dollar keyboard I got when I was 7 and I would sing songs. One day, right before my 18th birthday, a famous singer named Sara Bareallis was walking down broadway to get to a musical waitress and when she say me singing her song Love Song, she stopped and sang with me. She told me that someone had put a video of my on Twitter and that she's being dying to meet me to tell me to never give up on my dreams. She told me, 'sometimes things don't go your way and sometimes you do things you'll regret. But never, ever, don't do something because you're scared you'll either regret it or it won't go your way! Live life to the fullest!' So, ever since then, I haven't cared about anything other then being happy!" I smiled slightly and the lady turned off the camera. 

"That was very inspiring compared to some of the other interviews we've had!" She gulped and I stood up. 

"Thanks..." I sighed, brushing myself off before walking out of the room. 

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