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Chapter 5

"WE WERE TRYING DIFFERENT THINGS, AND WE WERE SMOKING FUNNING THINGS, MAKING LOVE DOWN BY THE LAKE TO OUR FAVORITE SONG! SIPPING WHISKEY OUT THE BOTTLE, NOT THINKING 'BOUT TOMORROW SINGING 'SWEET HOME ALABAMA' ALL SUMMER LONG!" I sang, just letting my body play the drums. Everything seemed dream like. It was like something I'd never felt or experienced before! The smells, the lights, this sights, everything about it! It was perfect. When I finished, I was smiling brightly. Everyone was cheering and I felt like a professional. I felt like a real rockstar not just some amateur who played on street corners. I stood up and everyone was clapping and cheering. I don't even remember how Cameron closed out the show because I was on such a high! My adrenaline was pumping and everything was hyped up beyond control. 

When we got back stage, Taylor hugged me tightly. 

"Good job!" He mumbled and I hugged him back. 

"Thanks!" I laughed, smiling brightly. 

"Aye, amazing job!" Aaron hugged me as soon as Taylor let go. 

"Thank you!" I smiled. They led me back to the talent's room where there was food and drinks prepared. 

"So, how was your first show with Magcon?" Bart smiled as he walked over. 

"One I'll never forget!" I giggled. 

"I had no idea you were friends with Shawn!" Cameron yelled as he ran over. 

"Yeah, are Grandmas were best friends. We haven't seen each other in a while but we still talk everyday or so." I sighed and Cameron nodded. 

"You did really good out there! I was impressed!" He smiled. 

"Thanks!" I laughed softly. 

"So-" Cameron was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and felt my heart drop. 

"I-I gotta take this..." I stuttered. 

"You okay?" He raised his eyebrow and I shook my head. 

"I just, gotta, I gotta..." I stuttered before running off to the bathroom, answering my cell phone. "Hello?" I gulped. 

"Chase, it's Savanah..." My lawyer Savanah sighed. 

"Yeah, I know... What's up?" I mumbled as a camera crew came in. 

"Your mom, she's up for parole in a week. I'm going to need you in California to testify against her." Savanah gulped and I just stood there, staring at myself in the mirror. 

"No... W-why? She's a monster!" I cried, holding back tears. 

"Chase, I know! I need you here to make sure she never gets out!" She explained and I just looked down at the sink. 

"Savanah, if she get's out I'm dead. She will go out of her way to make sure I don't see the light of day ever again! Savanah, promise me you'll make sure she doesn't get out!" I sniffled. 

"Chase, I promise you that as long as you show up for Friday the 12th, she won't get out." Savanah sighed and I nodded. 

"I promise you I'll be there!" I wiped my eyes. 

"And I promise I'll keep you safe..." 

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