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"Guys, I have a brilliant idea," Louis cries as he walked (or more bursted) into Harry's dorm.

"Oh god..." Harry groaned teasingly.

"Shut it, Curly," Louis narrowed his eyes at his friend who was currently giggling silently into his boyfriend's shoulder where they cuddled on Harry's bed.

"Now do you want to hear it or not?" Louis grabbed the chair from where it stood under Harry's desk and turned it so he could sit on it.

"I don't think we have a choice so please, enlighten us," Niall answered smirking, pulling Harry closer.

"Okay, so I've had this idea for a while and why don't we go on vacation together?! Like, to celebrate our friendship! And we can ask Liam too and obviously Eleanor," Louis smiled at the mention of her name. "And we can go camping somewhere in France or something!" Louis finished and looked at Niall and Harry expectantly.

Harry quickly sat up and untangled himself from Niall's arms. "Louis, you're a genius!"

"I know!" Louis smirked.

"Niall, this is so exciting!" Harry dragged Niall from his bed and hugged him by wrapping his arms around his neck.

Niall chuckled and hugged Harry back. "Calm down, sweetcheeks, maybe Liam and Eleanor aren't even up for it."

"Sweetcheeks? Oh my god, you guys are getting more disgusting everyday," Louis rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous that nobody calls you that, you twat," Harry said defensively, hiding behind Niall and leaning his forhead against Niall's neck.

"Riiiiight, anyways Liam and Eleanor already agreed to come too," Louis said, ignoring Harry's comment since he knew that they were only joking.

"Really? Niall, we're going camping in France this is gonna be so cool!" Harry had to restain himself from jumping up and down.

Niall shook his head smiling at his overly excited boyfiend. "So when are we leaving?"

"Oh, like in a few weeks. It's only June now so we first have to finish this school year. So probably somewhere in July," Louis answered, making his way out of Harry's dorm. "I gotta go guys, my last class for today begins in a few minutes."

Niall manages to shout a goodbye before Harry's lips attack his. It was a bit of a difficult task to kiss back since Harry was full on grinning now. So Niall settled for a few little pecks before pulling away. "Hazzy, we're gonna share a tent, right?"

"Hm, I don't know... I was thinking about sharing one with Liam..." Harry teased, tapping his chin as if he was actually thinking about it.

Niall was shocked for a second until he realised that Harry was joking."I hate you," he pouted.

"You don't,"Harry stated while trying to kiss the pout away.

"You're probably right," the blonde haired boy breathed, feeling dizzy from the amount of affection he was receiving since Harry was now nuzzling his noze in Niall's neck and pecking the skin there occasionally.

"We both know that I'm always right," Harry stated before crawling away from Niall and standing up from where they had fallen back on the bed. "Now, I'll have to kick you out of my room because I have to finish my homework."

Niall stood up too and smacked a kiss on Harry's lips before walking to the door. "See you tomorrow?"

"At lunch time at the record store," Harry nodded.

Niall smiled. "I'll text you."

Harry hugged Niall tightly one last time before letting him go. He waved until his boyfriend was out of sight and then walked to his desk. He sat down and sighed happily before grabbing his books.

A/N: Hi guyyyys, sooo what do you think of the prologue?? I wanted them to experience some adventures so I came up with this idea. Do you like it or not?? Let me know! x

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This Is Forever (Narry AU - Sequel to I'll Be There)Where stories live. Discover now