Chapter 4

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Cole's POV
She looked stunning in her black cocktail dress. Mm But I like how she look without it better. I smiled at that thought.
So I have been wondering what would be the meeting about. Finally we started discussing but why did Mrs. Arrington gave the floor to Bridgette? Maybe new problem. She look somewhat different I noticed.
"I'm pregnant with Cole's baby." She said
With who's baby? Cole? Cole? Cole? It wont sink in.
"WHAT?!" Mr. Arrington
Dad looked at me intently. No this cant be happening.
"Cole, my son?" My dad asked Bridgette
"Yes Uncle. That Cole sitting right there." She pointed at me
Made me point at myself
"Me?"  I asked
"Yes asshole. Cole Pierce!" She looked at me glaring
"Language dear." Mrs. Arrington
"I did not know you two were having intimate relationship." Mr. Arrington said calmly
"We Dont" me and Bridgette said in chorus
"You guys are not suppose to be having a kid this early, you could've at least use some protection." Mrs. Arrington
"Son you could've asked for a condom I definitely would send you a box." Dad said chuckling
Bridgette is embarrassed I  can tell by her face turning red.
"Dad I can afford a condom, she said shes taking birth controls." I reasoned out
"Yeah I take them to ease menstrual pain. I missed a pill." She responded
"So irresponsible" Mr. Arrington shook his head
"Dad, I'm sorry. But I'm not sexually active it's not an issue if I miss a pill" she claimed
"Doesn't matter we have to fix this." Mr. Anrington
"I agree bud." Daddy
"What do you mean by that Daddy?" Bridgette
"You guys have to get married as soon as possible. A bastard would be a shame both to our Names and for our business image. Especially you Cole you are starting your career." Mr. Arrington
"MARRIED?!?!" Bridge and Me
"But I'm not ready to be married yet Sir." Me
"Ready or not you have to grow some balls and do it! You both made your decision." Daddy
"Dad I don't want to be with Cole! No" Bridgette pleaded
"Your situation tells me otherwise." Mr. Arrington
"You have two days to prepare for your wedding." Daddy
"Please daddy don't do this to me." Bridgette pleaded to her dad
"No. Bridgette this is the result of your decision be responsible to face the consequences." Mr. Arrington
I know better than to try to convince them.
"I'll get on that." I said
"Here's a toast to becoming one family."Mrs. Arrington proposed a toast
"It's not like that we are happy about it but there is no way to reverse it. We have to do the right thing." Daddy
"Toast to my boy! For being a stud." Dad chuckled so did everyone except Me and Bridgette.
Bridgette excused her self and stormed to the restroom. I followed her.

Pregnant by the Bad boyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon