Part 15

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-Your POV-
I woke up and heard Killua's soft breathing. I could tell he was asleep. Then I felt something covering my mouth and nose. After that I blacked out.

-Illumi's POV-
I drugged my younger brother (ik he's immune to poison but this is my story let's say it's assassin proof) and then his little friend. I knew she meant a lot to him. Which would make him come running home to us. Mother said I should do this, even though I really could've taken him right here, right now. I picked the girl up and started on my way back to KuKuroo mountain.

Once I got back to the mansion this is what I heard, "Oh, Illumi, great job. We'll have to punish Killua when he gets back. Is he dating this thing?"

"I personally do not care," 'She's sort of cute though' "Now where do I put her?"

"Keep her in your room."

"WHAT?! Why!?"

"Because Killua won't look there if he ends up snooping around looking for her. Besides no one else would want her in they're room. We can't leave her alone. And we can't chain her up in the torture room."

"Why not? I don't wanna take care of her!"

"Because, I said! Now go take her to your room!"

"Fine," I mumbled walking towards my room. What was I going to do with this girl in my room? I mean where the hell will she sleep? Not in my bed, that's for sure. Once I get her into my room I chain her up to a wall near my bed.

Around six hours later the girl wakes up.

"What the...." she says. "Where am I?"

"The Zoldyck estate."

"Wuh?" She says turning to me. "Illumi?"

"You know me?" I ask.

"Yeah, we've come in contact quite a few times..."

"No wonder you looked familiar."

"Hey, do you have my phone?"

"What the hell? No! And even if I did I wouldn't give it to you, aho!"

"Damnit! Illumi? Do you happen to have a selfie I could....borrow? I could use billions of jenny."


The girl let out a huge sigh. "So. How long am I here and why?"

"That's private information you aren't allowed to know about."

"You suck."

I shove a potato in her mouth so she'll shut up, then decided to go leave and go take a shower.

-Y/N's POV-
Illumi left after shoving a potato in my mouth, which got me pissed. That asshole. I used my nen flames to try and melt the chains that held me to this stupid ass wall. Of course it didn't work worth a crap. After around twenty minutes of me trying that I stopped and eventually Illumi walked in. "Cmm oo a iss oao ow o maw mouf?"

"What?" The man asked his hair dripping, making his green clothing wet.

I pointed at the potato in my mouth.

Killua x Reader - I cant believe I tried to kill herWhere stories live. Discover now