(4)- *random one shot*

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hi guys today is the 31st where I live and for me its afternoon. Well when I wrote this. Kay anyway I wanted to give you a new years welcome!
Kay this is just random...

I resigned. I actually resigned. I can't believe this! Why did I do it?
Maybe I'll refresh your memory...         Yesterday we decided to Quit because that cruel good for nothing bloody chauvinistic bastard thinks nothing of you. Remember? How we said we were replaceable and just a liability.  How worthless we were. So we quit. And it was a good decision, Lilly. If we worked hard only to be given scorn, I don't think it's worth it.
Anyway, now we can focus on women's rights!

Right. So that's why. I felt something wet.. Wait was I crying?! No. No, definitely not. I had better things to do than cry over that horrible employer.
But he was more than just an employer  to you, no?
No. Stop trying to be smart. He didn't think of me as an employee. Just a chess piece that when broken was easily replaceable. But no.

I will not be a pawn! We are going to fight for women's rights!
🙄 yay...
Dont mope! We have other things to attend to!

I found myself strolling in the park. If I was going to eat my chocolate, I'd need exercise. How unfortunate.
And even more unfortunate, Lady Emilia was having another ball for new year. 

Idiotic plastic ladies who agreed with brainless chauvinistic men who had  to much time and money to waste on inviting people to horrid balls.
I had attempted to kill myself numerous times this week but Ella succeeded in stopping me.
Death, was much more inviting than a ball. Much more exciting to be honest. I could run away, but I'd have to take Ella which means I'd have to take Edmund...
Too complicated.

Ella and Edmund have not changed their daily script at all. It's quite exhausting hearing: "Oh I love you!" or "No, I love you more sweet angel from the heavens..."
Sappy and sickly. It's like their brains have been soaked and are swimming in a potful of sugar.

My day is uneventful. Wish you were still at work, right?
No! How dare you think such thoughts?!
You control me, and so also my thoughts. So you thought of that, I just voiced it.
NO! I control you so shut up.
You disobedient little snitch!
Learnt from the best.
How dare you insult me? I am you. Shut up and go away.

Aunt Brank is tying my corset. "It's too tight!" I scream. "It has to be, Lillian!" she screeches. Death would be the much better option.
God, this woman was probably on a murder mission!
"Nonsense! Now get in the gown and do something NICE with that hair of yours for once! " she hollers.

Ella, the darling, did my hair in a very satisfactory way. Thank god. The dress aunt gave me had a lot neckline. This would show a lot of cleavage.
Oh dear.

I walk down the stairs and feel relieved. I thought my neckline was deep. Anne and Maria's Were much deeper. I felt automatically grateful.

Aunt forced us into the carriage and we were off to Lady Evil-melia's ball.
Evil meilia?
Well, at least I tried.
As if.
A screech brought me out of my mental argument.
Oh god. We are here.
We are greeted by the Evil Witch and enter. The ballroom is already very full when we enter.

Following protocol, I glide over to the refreshment table, grab my chocolate and hide behind the largest plant I can Find.
"Miss Linton, a pleasure to see you!"

"The pleasure is not mine. How did you find me?" I say to the Captain.
"I am quite fond of your habit of hiding behind plants, Miss Linton," he answers. I smile. "Would do you me the honour of dancing with me?" he asks.

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