(5AE ) The Ball

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I Am suffering from over obsession (or is it addictiveness?) 
I literally almost called 2 of my teachers "Mr Ambrose" and it didn't help that one of their names start with "A" (For ambrose) and the other "R" for Rikkard.  😳😳😳 anyway... Here I go!


Someone knocks on the door. Is it her?
Karim comes in. I instantly put in my very normal stoic face.
"Yes, Karim?"
"I went to investigate this... Situation as you instructed Sahib," he says.

  ---------(useless pov change but y not )

I do not know what Sahib sees in the ifrit, but she must be important. It's quite clear, though I know Sahib would rather die than admit it, that he cares a lot for it. Honestly, I do not understand how Sahib stands this menacing creature.

"And what have you found out, Karim? You know I do not like time being wasted," Sahib sayso.
"Of course. The ifrit asked me to tell you something about.... Her quitting,"


It was almost as if I was punched. He quit! What? How could he?
I don't know, maybe it's because she has to be a proper lady, Hmmmm? Also, why are you complaining? Isn't this what YOU wanted?
I suppose. But that doesn't mean I'm happy she's- I mean, he's gone!

And why is that, Rikkard?

Well... I uh, will have to waste time finding a new secretary! Yes! That's it!
" Karim, you may leave," I say, stopping my extremely disobedient inner voice from answering. Karim seemed dazed. Goodness, what was wrong with him?

"Yes, Sahib. "

As he opened the door, Stone came scurrying inside holding two letters. "Good Evening, Sir! These two letters just arrived, Sir. I thought you might want to see them." he said and dropped the letters on my desk and scurried away.

I looked at the letters. If Stone scurried, it must be quite important.

I turned both over. I felt like I was flying when I saw one addressed from "Mr Linton", a feeling which I quickly buried.
My blood nearly ran cold when I saw the seal in the other letter. Dalgliesh. Inviting me to his stupid ball.

I flipped open the letter and, as expected, was Dalgliesh's neat and curvy writing adding an extra note.
Hope to see you there.
Well, I can tell you, I'm not going to his idiotic waste of time of a social gathering. I was never very social, for I found unable to converse with anyone because of their shallow view or lack of intelligence.
There is one person you can converse with...
What? I dont converse with him or anyone! That la- man is extremely annoying.

I open her- I mean, his letter.

Dear Mr Ambrose,
This is to inform you of a matter which I take you will get immense joy from- scratch that, you will get as much as joy as your icy self will allow.
I have to resign.
I cannot go and inform you personally without undergoing an everlasting session of questioning and without having my head, which I would like to keep, chopped off.
Apparently, a proper lady does not leave the house for an unnecessary amount of time and instead is imprisoned at home to do lady like things which is utter codswallop.

My reasons for not going to work, are wholly mine. Anyway, you'd never give time to know why, so that's taken care of. Besides, you'll finally get a real male secretary.

Honoured and annoyed to have worked for you, sir. A word of advice ; try not to be such a chauvinistic block of granite and you might actually get to keep an employee!

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