New Years (Scenario #1)

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A/N: Hi guys, so a few days ago, I asked you guys if it was fine if I inserted scenarios in this one shot collection, and I did say that as long as someone comments, I would do it, so here's the first scenario!

[Note, I have never attempted to write a scenario before but I hope I did well on my first try!]

♡ Viktor Nikiforov ♡

The Russian quickened his footsteps, wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck. His ears and cheeks were reddened from staying out in the snow for such a long time. He had lost track of time when he was having fun with Yuri at the frozen pond that he forgot Y/N was waiting for him to come home. "Viktor!" Yuri huffed, having to jog in order to keep up with him. He made no comment, but his pace visibly slowed down so Yuri could catch up with him.

"I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind!" Yuri exclaimed when he could finally breathe normally again. Viktor's lips were pressed together in a thin line, trembling slightly in an effort to contain his emotions. He knew he have been pushing away anything that distracts him from coaching Yuri, wanting him to win gold at the Grand Prix Finals so much, that he even ignored his precious girlfriend, Y/N.

She didn't complain, even when he came home late and had to leave for the rink early in the morning. She even packed up her bags in record time when he announced he was leaving for Japan, just so she could be there to offer her mental support. She was able to deal with his forgetfulness, even when he always seemed to be forgetting something important to her. She never made a big deal about it.

But this, this was something he couldn't miss. They always spent new years together, no matter how busy the other party was. It was a tradition between them back when they were just friends, and it eventually became their 'thing'. It was these little things that kept their relationship going sometimes, with Viktor constantly travelling overseas for competition and heading out for practice.

"... seems like a really understanding person, so I bet she wouldn't be mad at you right? Viktor? Viktor!" Yuri's voice jolted him out of his thoughts, and Viktor found himself getting annoyed at Yuri for once. He doesn't know how much this means to us! If only I left after practice as usual... I would be at home, cuddling with Y/N on the couch by now... Why in the world did I agree to check out the frozen pond Yuri had stumbled upon? It isn't Yuri's fault though, it's none other than my own, for losing all sense of time when I am on the ice.

Viktor was too caught up in reproaching himself that he didn't realise he had walked past his own rented apartment until Yuri tugged on his coat sleeve, pulling him to a stop. "Viktor, you've reached!" Yuri told him, pointing towards the apartment with his free hand. Viktor let out a sigh of relief, wishing Yuri a happy new years before jogging up the stairs, pushing the door eagerly. He stopped in his tracks when he saw that the hallway was dark, and no light was coming from the kitchen, or the living room too.

"Y/N? I'm sorry I'm home so late, but there's around 15 minutes to midnight, we can still celebrate it together!" He called out, taking his shoes and coat off, placing them in their respective places. When he rounded the corner, he saw light being emitted from their shared bedroom. "Y/N..." He started, opening the door and finding her crouched in a corner, head in her hands.

Racing to her side immediately, he knelt down and gathered her tiny form in his arms. "What's wrong, Y/N?" He murmured, stroking her back in an attempt to stop her sobs. She pulled away, looking up at him as more tears escaped her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I-I thought you w-weren't coming back and I-I thought you f-forgot..." She stuttered, burying her head into his chest after saying that. Tears begun to well up in his sapphire blue eyes as well, when he heard her words.

"I would never, ever forget our tradition. I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm so sorry I made you feel that way..." He hugged her close, biting his lip to prevent his tears from escaping. Eventually, her sobs quietened, and she stopped trembling so much. He leaned down to brush her tears away with his thumb, pressing his lips to hers. Afterwards, he gathered her up in his arms bridal style.

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