Vikturi - Don't Leave Me

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{A/N} hiya! My name is Kay ( sashathepotatochick ) and I'm one of the new co-owners of this account. (I am extremely worried I will somehow mess this up but meh, les do this.) My purpose is pretty much just to help update this book. Please note that not everyone's writing style is the same and mine may not be as descriptive as the actual owner's but bare with me, I'm still learning. I spell Yuri K's name with one 'u' and I just add 'o' to the end of Yuri P's name.

Angst, angst everywhere~


Viktor inhaled deeply, cold air rushing into his lungs with a whoosh. Winters had always been beautiful to him, one of the reasons was snuggling up with Yuri, but it was among other things. Winter's always smelt cold, like you can feel the cold scent in your nostrils. Weird, huh?

Giddy, Viktor gripped the handle to the front door of his house which he shared with Yuri, his soon-to-be fiancée. Viktor had been out getting groceries and things necessary for survival in the harsh urban lands (condoms, lube, etc... KIDDING). A small smile danced across his lips as he pushed the front door of the house open, stepping inside the familiar building and taking in a breath of the warm air. He began walking into the living room, but stopped himself mid-stride and almost dropped the bags he was holding.

His face fell.

Yuri and Yurio were sitting on the couch, heads pressed against one another's and eyes closed in peaceful slumber. Yuri's hand lay across Yurio thin legs, grasping the blonde's.

Viktor's mind couldn't focus on one separate thought; his mind didn't give him enough time.

"Y-Yur...i?" Viktor couldn't stop himself from forming the words in a broken whisper, half pleading, half... well, the emotion couldn't be explained by mere words.

Seeming to feel Viktor's eyes on him, or he somehow heard him, Yuri's eyelids fluttered open, exposing beautiful chocolate eyes.

"V-Viktor," Yuri stuttered, seeing his lover standing in the doorway, almost in tears.

"H-how... could you?"

Yurio almost never visited, he seemed to have a large distaste for both of them, but today... It was different.

"Viktor, this isn't what you think it is--" Yuri was cut off as Viktor lifted his gaze and stared directly into his eyes, blue orbs piercing brown.

"Then what is it?"

Yuri didn't have time to react as Viktor dropped the shopping bags and bolted out the front door, hair whipping around his face as he went.

Yurio yawned, but didn't stir. He was so much like a cat it wasn't funny.

Ignoring the blonde, Yuri grabbed a jacket, any jacket, and sprinted after Viktor. He'd gotten the wrong idea... but when you see your lover sleeping next to another person, heads against each other and fingers intertwined, what are you supposed to think?

Viktor's lungs stung as he raced across roads, over pathways, bridges and all other things you can think of, Yuri somehow managing to be only a few paces behind the faster man.

Tears dripped down Viktor's cheeks, streaking patterns along the red flesh. His gloved hands reached up for his own eyes as he hastily scrubbed at the tears, trying to rid them from his face.

Yuri pulled the jacket tighter around his own body, face reddening with exhaustion. Who's immediately wide awake after you only just awaken? Defiantly not Yuri.

Racing across an extremely busy road, and only barely missing a few cars, Viktor made it onto the other side of the street. He'd been lucky, unfortunately Yuri had not.

Following after the silver-haired Russian, Yuri dashed across that same road that Viktor did, but he didn't notice the following onslaught of cars. Too grief-stricken, tired and dejected, Yuri didn't know what to do as a car slammed into his body, knocking him to the side with a hard crack.

Viktor heard a strangled cry and a crash emit from behind him. Fearing the worst, he jumped to a halt and spun on his heel, and looked around behind him. People were yelling, screaming, things in Russian and other languages, but all he could think was, Who got hit?

He jogged back to the edge of the road, shoving through the bulk of people already rushing to the scene.

Black hair, smashed blue-framed glasses, one of Viktor's coats...


Viktor's eyes widened and more tears spilt over his lashes. People around him pulled out phones, dialing in 112 to call for an ambulance.

Viktor shoved through the last of the people and stumbled towards Yuri's body, which lay lifelessly on the ground as if it were less than a shadow. A mere projection of his true body.

"I-I love you...," Yuri whispered, his vision fading, shock obscuring his pain. He weakly lifted his left hand, showing Viktor his golden ring which shone despite the gloomy skies. "And only you..." Yuri lost consciousness, a sad smile resting on his lips.

Warm blood coated Viktor's arms as he wailed, screamed and cried for Yuri to wake up, kissing his cheek and, occasionally, cold lips. Calming himself down, Viktor took Yuri's hand in his own and kissed the ring it bore.

"I love you, Yuri...," Viktor whispered, losing the control he'd mustered and crying into Yuri's chest.

---------Kay is sorry--------

A week had passed and Yuri had not awaken--teams of skaters had travelled to Russia for support. In that week, Viktor had barely left Yuri's side, fearing that if he did, something bad would happen, so he cling to Yuri's hand, hoping that he'd be okay.

Yurio had yelled at Viktor, insulting him in his rage, calling him an old man and worse before he actually broke down in tears. Yurio hadn't loved Yuri in a sexual way, but he at least saw him as a roll model.

The weirdest thing was that JJ showed up, though Viktor couldn't be bothered to remember his name to even greet him.

--------not sorry anymore--------

Another week passed and it wasn't looking good. Cameras had gathered around the hospital, swamping Viktor and the other skaters with questions.

--------Kay is sorry again--------

One more week--a flutter of the eyelids, a quirk of the lips and a twitch in the cheeks. It takes him a while to adjust to his surroundings, but Yuri almost immediately picks out a blob of silver which was Viktor's hair. He lifted his hand and poked Viktor's mop of hair, waking him almost immediately.

"I love you, Viktor," he said, voice hoarse.

Viktor launched himself onto Yuri, a wince coming from the younger man.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Viktor cried, digging his face into the side of Yuri's neck. "Please don't leave me again."

But the real reason as to why Yurio went to their house that day was never uncovered.



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