Chapter 4

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May P.O.V

I swear Daf and Sky are cute af. I remember when they first started dating and Daf called me baby girl in front of Sky, she went crazy.


We are currently at home in the inside swimming pool waiting for Daf and Sky to get here. They had gone to get some snacks and some pizza, I heard the door open. "We're home ghouls" screamed out Daf, "In the swimming pool" I shouted back. As soon as they walked in I got out of the pool and grabbed two slices of pizza and devoured it all in 5 minutes. "Baby girl slow down the pizza ain't going anywhere" Daf said giggling at the end. "WHAT THE HELL. WHY ARE YOU CALLING HER BABY GIRL? ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME DAFNE. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" yelled out an angry looking Skylar. I looked at Daf then at Sky who was ready to attack me, before she could actually do anything to me Daf explained to her. "Babe" Daf said but Sky only turned away, "Babe look at me come on you know I wouldn't cheat on you. That's messed up I would never hurt you like that. The only reason I called her baby girl was because we have always been there for each other since we were younger. Me and her, we're basically sisters" she told her grabbing her chin because Sky wouldn't look at her. "Please babe you know I wouldn't do that to you it's just.....we have always been like sisters and that's how we grew up" Daf explained more, this time Sky looked between me and Daf. "Fine I believe you" Sky said giving Daf a peck on the mouth before getting pizza.
******End of flashback*******

That was a scary day for me because I thought Sky was gonna beat the shit out of me.

"Umf" I said as I bumped into Mikey's(Dafne's nickname) back, "What the hell why did you stop?" I asked her confused. "Because I noticed that you weren't paying attention so I was just making sure" she told me with a little chuckle at the end, "Whateva let's go" I told her as I continued walking.

Matthew P.O.V

I saw who I think is Bixi and Skylar walk inside the mall. The guys and I had gotten here a few minutes ago and decided to walk around. I stared at the door to see if Dafne was with them as well, a few seconds later I saw Mayela and Dafne walk in laughing. As soon as they noticed the other two girls waiting for them they stopped laughing, Dafne instantly went to Skylar's side and kissed her. Okay so Skylar is her girlfriend how am I supposed to get a shot at being her boyfriend​. I decided to walk their way, as I neared them I heard them talking about going on Tour with 5sos. "OMG this is seriously gonna be the best Tour ever, we get to go on tour with 5sos" said Bixi, "I agree with you fam, if i weren't dating my girl right here I would so go after my baby boy Micheal Clifford" said Dafne looking at Mayela with a look. "You know I would want to go out with Luke Hemmings, but we never know so let's not start to fantasise" said Mayela, "If you guys do start going out I swear I will not stop making puns of him just to annoy you baby girl" replied Dafne. Why is she calling Mayela baby girl, I thought she was dating Skylar. I guess it's just some kind of nickname for her. 

"Hey girls how are you?" I asked as I was standing in front of them, "Oh, hey Matt I didn't know you were at the mall" said Dafne. "Yeah the guys and I decided to come to the mall for a while" I told her, even though I actually made them come. "Ah ok well see y'all around"she said to me walking off with the girls. "We need to hang out sometime" I screamed after her, I hope she heard me, I thought and right on cue she yelled back, "Yeah text you later" and walked away.

I went back to the guys noticing that Taylor was looking at Bixi, Johnson was looking at Sky, Cam was looking at May, Carter, Gilinsky, Shawn, and Nash were looking at Dafne. They better not like her because that would just complicate the chances I've got with her I thought to myself. "Was that Ryth Mix?" asked Gilinsky looking at me with jealousy clear in his eyes, "Yeah mate" I told him. "Why didn't you call us over or told them about us?" Cam said a bit annoyed that he didn't get to meet May I'm guessing, "Chill out guys we'll see them later, maybe" I told them. At that moment I got a message from Dafne.

From Dafybabe💘: You guys can come over to our house later on. I'll text you the address to the house, it might be a bit disorganized because we're going on a vaca and on tour.
To Dafybabe💘: Okay I'll tell the guys and that's okay we understand, see you in a bit I guess.

After that she sent me their address and I told the guys. "Hey boys Daf texted me her address so we can hang out at their house, so if you want to buy anything lets do it now and then head over to their place," I told them all and instantly they started walking to different directions. Should I buy something for Daf or not I thought to myself, I'll just buy her something that has to do with anything she likes. You're all probably wondering, 'How are you gonna do that if you don't know what her likings are.' Well i do know some things that she likes because she has done some videos with the girls saying things she likes the most and what she would like to get as a present/gift. So now here I am buying her things at the mall that she might like, Well I hope she likes everything, I thought to myself.

WELP haven't updated in a very long time, but I promise from know on I will update every time I have the chance to do so. Hope you guys like it and enjoyed it like I do. WELP I love y'all take care BYE-BYE 💘❤

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