Chapter 6

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Nash's P.O.V

As soon as we got to the girls house Dafne, my twin, opened the door.
"Hey guys welcome to the Ryth Mix home" she greeted us.
As she said that all the girls gathered around the door behind her. Skylar walked up to her and grabbed her hand as she smiled and nodded at us in.
"Hey guys, you all must be MagCon" she said waving at us, all the girls moved out the way as Daf let us in. We all walked in and to the living room were we saw all the girls goofing around. I noticed how they were all just laughing and hitting each other with some type of pillows. Skylar grabbed Daf and kissed her before they got hit in the head by the others.
"Oi, chicas break it up we have guests remember?" said Mayela, as they broke it up they looked away blushing.
"Sorry 'bout them two but we usually never have anyone apart from us around" Mayela said, they all started laughing and stuff. It was nice watching them laughing and having fun with each other like there was nothing else in the world that matters. I'm glad she found this group of friends who she can relate to and support each other.
"Whatever, let's do something fun, yeah?" Daf asks changing the subject, we all sit down around the living scattered out anywhere we found a place to sit.
"Babygirl wanna come with me to get some snack and stuff?" she asked again, I saw Mayela stand up and was confused.
"Aren't you dating Skylar?" I asked her dumbfounded, we all just looked at her waiting for an answer.
"Yeah I am...oh you guys are probably all confused right?" we all just nodded our heads,
"Well I have known May since I was a little girl and since we basically grew up together instead of calling her Mayela or May, I call her Bubbah, Babygirl, etc" she said looking around at everyone making sure we all understood.

Hayes' P.O.V

Dafne just finished explaining why she called Mayela 'Babygirl' while she is dating Skylar.
"Well we'll be back in a bit" Mayela said walking out with Daf behind her.
"So, Skylar, how long have you and Daf been dating?" I asked Sky getting curious about her and my sisters relationship.
"Well we've known each other since middle school or so but we've been dating for almost a year or so" she told us all.
"Wait I have a question. Are you and Nash her siblings? Be honest please" said Bixi looking between me and Nash.
"Yeah we are, well she's my twin, Hayes and Skylynn's older sister, and Will's younger sister" Nash told the two girls sitting in front of all of us.
"That's a joke right? It can't be!! I should have believed it!! I'm so stupid!!" we heard a voice saying, we all turned around to find Dafne crying with May by her side.
"'s okay look at me, it's alright" May said comforting her, Nash went up to them.
"I missed you so much like you have no idea" he said hugging her, at first she didn't hug back but after a short while she hugged him. I walked up to them and hugged her,
"I missed you big sis. I thought we had lost you forever, I was lost without you" I said still hugging her. She continued to cry for about 5 more minutes into my shoulder before she finally pulled away and dried her tears.
"You guys have a lot of explaining to do cause I'm still not used to finding out I had 2 brothers, a twin, and a baby sis" she said to Nash and I while pointing her finger at us.

2 hours later

We finally finished explaining everything to her and she said that she will come and visit us tomorrow before she went on tour. Mom would be happy to have finally found her, Sky would be ecstatic about having an older sister.
"Okay so we need each other's contact" she told us all, we all gave her our phones and they gave us theirs.
"So now what?" asks May, just looking over at the pizza that is probably cold by now.
"Now we reheat the pizzas, eat and go for a swim, yea?" asks Bixi, I hadn't noticed but they all have a somewhat both British and Australian accents.
"How come you all have accents even though you're all from America?" I asked them super confused.
"Well we've been to Aussie and lived there for a few years, same with here in London" said Sky making it sound like it was the most obvious thing ever.
"Okay now that's cleared....."Daf started
"LET'S EAT!!!" both May and Daf screamed in sync.

Heyllo fellow human beings, I know I haven't updated for so long I was just writing down ideas for other stories and working on them. Hope you guys enjoy, see you later, BYE BYE ❤️❤️

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