Chapter 25

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  "Justin, Jared, Jen my office!" Mr. Alexander said.

  We walked into his office and sat down. Jen had a few tears in her eyes from what Jared had said. I put my arm around her.

  "Don't you worry, cause everything's gonna be alright," I whispered in her ear. She smiled, remembering that those were the lyrics to a song I wrote.

  "Mr. Bieber?" I looked up. "Arm."

  "Oh, sorry." I took my arm away.

  "So what happened?"

  "Justin pinned me to the lockers and punched me for no reason!" Jared accused.

  "I had a reason!"

  "No you didn't!"

  "Yes I did!"

  "Boys! I'm going to let Jen talk."

  "Umm..." she trailed off.

  "Jen please tell me what happened."

  She took a deep breath. "Jared pulled my hood down and took my hat off my head and said no hats in school. Then he said I was bald, but I told him I have cancer. Then Jared said get away because I might be contagious. I tried to jump and get my hat, but he's taller than me. He also said be careful, you might die because of too much excercise." I saw a tear slide down her cheek.

  "Is this true, Jared?" Mr. Alexander asked.


  "Jared that's bullshit!" I yelled while standing up.

  "Justin! Calm down!" Jen said. I sat down.

  "If you don't tell me and I find out it's true, you can get suspended," he said to Jared.

  "Fine it's true!"

  "Did he say anything else?" He asked Jen.

  "Justin walked in and told him to put the hat down, and Jared didn't. Then Justin pinned him against thr lockers. Jared dropped the hat on the floor and said she needs her boyfriend to defend her, what a bitchy move!"

  He looked at Jared. "I'm sorry, sir. But it's true."

  "Anything else?"

  "No." Jen was full on crying now. Who ever says words don't hurt, they're wrong. I grabbed her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze to remind her that I'm here. I didn't care if I got a detention, I was probably in more trouble than that anyway.

  "What happened after that?"

  "Let them explain the rest," she said.

  "Justin, you first."

  "Okay. I told him that he shouldn't have said that. And Then I pinned him down to the floor and punched him some more."

  "Mr. Alexander, I think he broke my nose."

  "Go see the nurse, Jared."

  He walked to the nurse's office and Jen and I sat there. "Jen you can go to class." She got up silently and walked out of the principal's office. Then Jared came back. "Jared, you're suspended for two days, an in school suspension. Justin, out of school suspension for five days." I nodded and looked down. "I'm going to call your parents and have them pick you up."

  15 minutes later my mom walked in, and she was less than happy. We got in the car and I knew I was in for it, but she didn't yell at me until we got home.

  "A fight Justin?! You got into a fight?!" She shouted.

  "What else was I supposed to do?! He was bullying Jen!"

  "You could've just went and told a teacher!"

  "Well I didn't! I took matters into my own hands! You're always telling me to stand up for what I believe in!"

  "I know that you were defending Jen, but you didn't have to fight!"

  "Didn't Dad ever defend you when you wrere pregnant with me?!"

  "Don't bring your dad into this!"

  "Did he?!"


  "Did he?!"

  "He never fought with other people! Justin you're grounded...again! No phone, no guitar, no hockey, no hanging out with friends, no driving, no nothing!"

  "Can't take my phone if you can't find it!" I hid my phone in a secret pocket of my jacket. "I'm calling Dad! I want to stay with him!" Then I stormed off to my room.

  I took my phone out of my pocket, and saw that Jen had texted me

  What happened?

  I replied: Suspended for a week.

  She texted me back in a minute. I looked at the time, it would be passing time right now. In or out of school?

  I'll call you later


  Then I called my dad. "Hello?"

  "Hi Dad, it's Justin."

  "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

  "I got suspended."


  I explained. "Now Mom and I are in a fight so can I come to your house until I go back to school next week?"

  "Hold on, let me check with Erin." Erin was my stepmom. "She said it's fine," He said a few minutes later.

  "I can't drive since I'm grounded so can you pick me up?"

  "I guess. I'll be there in an hour." I hit the end call button and packed my clothes and other things that I'd need. About 55 minutes later, I walked into the living room with my duffle bag.

  "Where are you going with that?" my mom asked while pointing to my duffle bag.

  "To Dad's."

  "Let me talk to him when he gets here."

  Five minutes later my dad pulled into the driveway and my mom talked to him. Then she walked back in and said that I could go.

  I got put my bag in the trunk and got in the front seat. "How did you talk her into letting me stay?" I asked shocked.

  "I brought up our high school experience."

  "Oh." We listened to the radio and then got to his house. I said hi to Erin and walked to the guest bedroom. What did I see leaning up against the wall? My dad's guitar. My mom was wrong about me being grounded from my guitar.

A/N What did you think of the last two chapters. Did you like him getting in a fight and getting suspended? Message me and tell me what you think.  :)







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