Chapter 33

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  I was laying on the couch when I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 7:45. I looked at the date, February 28. February 28! Tomorrow is Justin's 17th birthday and I still hadn't gotten him his gift! I quickly dialed Paris's number.

  "Hello?" Paris asked as she picked up her phone.

  "Hey Paris. It's Jen."

  "Hey how are you feeling?" she asked concerned.

  "Lousy. But that's not important right now. Do you think you could do me a favor?"

  "Of course. What is it?"

  "It's Justin's birthday tomorrow and I still haven't gotten him his birthday present. I want to get him a new video camera for him to record his Youtube videos on. Do you think you could buy one and bring it over? I'd pay you back of course."

  "No problem. I'll go to the store and be right over. Bye."

  "Bye. Thank you."

  "You're welcome," she said and then hung up.

  "Jen, we need to go to the hospital right away," my mom said with a sad expression on her face.

  "Why? Justin said it's just the typical flu bug." I replied curiously.

  "It can be very bad if you get sick when you have cancer."

  I got off the couch and walked outside into the cold garage. I was still in my pajamas, but my mom had already started the car so it was warm inside.

  When we got to the hospital, the doctors  took my mom and I to urgent care. They hooked me up to all of these machines, which I was no stranger to them doing so by now, and they also told me they needed to take some tests. One of them was going to require me to be unconscious. I really hoped that this wasn't anything too serious. Before the doctors made me unconscious however, I sent a text to Paris, Justin, Ryan, and Chaz explaining where I was and what happened.


  "Here's some ice. Get in the car. We're going to the hospital," my told me while handing me an ice pack for me to put on my left hand. I walked to the car and had some trouble opening the door because my left hand is my dominant hand. About half way there, I got a text from Jen.

To: Justin

From: Shawty

I'm at the urgent care center at the hospital. The doctors have to take some tests but hopefully I'll be out by tomorrow. Just wanted to let u know so u wouldn't worry.

  Won't worry? How can I not worry about her? "Mom Jen's at urgent care because she's so sick. I need to see her."

  "Well I guess you're in luck because that's where we're going for your hand."

  "Do you think I could go and see her after we have my hand checked out?"

  "I don't know. I'd have to call Kate and ask her." (For those of you who forgot, Kate is Jen's mom).

  I sighed. "Alright."

  When we got to the hospital, we told the person at the front desk what happened and they said that they want to get me in right away. The doctor took an x-ray and told my mom and I that it was a clean break. Then he took me to get me fitted for a cast. "What color would you like?" he asked me.

  "Do you have purple?" I asked him.

  "Unusual choice for a boy, but yes I do."

  "I'll have that then. It's my girlfriend's favorite color."

  "That's nice of you to pick that because of her."

  "She's actually here right now."

  "She must be very sweet to come with you to have your hand checked out."

  "She- she doesn't actually know I'm here. She has cancer and she's getting some tests done because she was very sick today."

  "I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll keep her in my prayers."

  "Thank you," I told him and then walked out to see my mom. "Can you call Mrs. Kowe and see if we can visit Jen?"

  "Sure." After about two minutes of my mom being on the phone, she said that Jen was asleep but we could still see her.

  Jen was so calm and peaceful as she was sleeping. We stayed there for about an hour and then my mom's phone vibrated and she quickly walked out of the room to take the call. Another hour later my mom walked back into the room. "She's still not awake?" she asked.

  "Not yet."

  "I wanted to tell you when Jen was awake but I guess I can tell you now."

  "Tell me what?" I asked impatiently.

  "There's this guy named Scooter Braun and he saw your videos that you posted on Youtube. He's new to the music industry and wants to sign you. At first, I objected. But then he said I'll fly you and Justin down to Atlanta for a week to meet some people. If you don't want to sign, you get a free vacation out of it and can go back to business as usual."

  "So are we going to Atlanta?" I asked excitedly.

  "Yes Justin, we are going to Atlanta."

  "When do we leave?" I asked.

  "Monday. We have to go home now."

  "Okay. But hold on." I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note to Jen.

Dear Shawty,

I wish I could be here to see your beautiful face when you wake up but I had to go home. Please call me when you wake up. I have something exciting to tell you.



  After I wrote that down, my mom and I left the hospital.

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