The Vows

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Today is the day. The day that I am no longer full of fear that Mello will leave me. The day that I have waited for, for years. The day that we become one.
We don't exactly have friends so neither of us have a best man or anything like that, but it doesn't matter. I put on my undershirt, and tuck it into my pants. I smile, thinking of cheesy and romantic things that I've always dreamt of having, like having a future with someone, or just generally being happy with my life I've lived with my love. I couldn't have dreamt of being with anyone other than Mihael Keehl. Sure, we have problems here and there, but what couples don't? I love him, and he loves me, and now we're making it official.
     "You ready?" Mello asked, caressing my hand, and smiling. "Yes. You look very handsome", I said, opening the door. "You look better, Matt", Mello said. We walked out of the room, and got in the car to rush to the church. We arrived, and walked to the church doors. We each took a breath, smiled, and opened the doors.
     "Now it is time for these two men to say their vows", the priest said. Mello looked me in the eye, and smiled. "Mail Jeevas, I've loved you ever since I learned what love meant. I know that I am not the best guy you could go for, but the fact that you chose me, makes me very happy. I love you so much, Matt. I want to stay with you until the end, together as husbands". He placed the ring on my finger, and I prepared for my speech. "Mihael Keehl, also known as Mello. I have never wanted to be with someone as much as I have with you. I have learned that it is impossible to live without you, so the fact that we are here today, is the sign of our union. Mello, I love you. I love you more than I love life itself. I wish for us to have a happy life, as husbands". I placed the ring on Mello's finger. "Then with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Keehl. You may now kiss", the priest said, and Mello and I kissed. The kiss to recognize our union.

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