The Suffering

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     It's the last day of our honeymoon, and I can tell that Mello is really stressed. Ever since he got a call a few days ago, he hasn't been the same. I would ask him, but I feel like he doesn't want me to know, so I guess I'll respect his privacy. Maybe it's that damn Kira case. I swear that's gonna be the death of both of us. "Matt, you're staring off into the distance and we are playing your favorite game. What's wrong?" Mello asked. I sighed. "Nothing", I said, not wanting to ask. "We're married now. You can ask me anything", he said, pausing the game. "Mello.. Who and why did someone call you, and right afterwards you haven't been the same?" I asked. "A...After our honeymoon ends, I'm gonna be gone for a while", he said, so quietly that if I wasn't listening directly at him, I wouldn't be able to hear. "What... Why?" I asked, becoming slightly worried. "I need to solve this Kira case once and for all", he said. What is he thinking of doing? Oh god. He isn't thinking of... "If you are planning on going on some suicide mission, I'm not gonna let you leave!" I stood up and yelled. "Matt, you don't understand... I have to beat Near, no matter what it takes", he said, looking down at my feet. There was a long moment of silence and I thought of something. "If you aren't gonna change your mind... then let me help you. Put me in your plan somewhere", I said, grabbing his hands, and looking up at his eyes. "What?" He said, sounding really surprised. "I can't live without you. I've tried to and it didn't work. If your plan is to go on some suicide mission, then let me somehow help you". "I can't let you die, Matt. This is my job", he said, holding onto my hands and sitting down. "No. How would you feel if I was you? Going off on some suicide mission and not planning on coming back?" I asked, tears forming. "I wouldn't let you go... Damn it, Matt.", he said, letting go of my hand to put his hands in his hair. I leaned over and hugged him and rested my head on his shoulders. "It's alright. It's better for both of us to die than one barely living without the other", I said. We just sat there  in the silence, until I spoke up. "So what's the plan?"
     "Matt, if there's any chance for you to escape, please take it. I don't care if it results in my death", he said, his forehead on mine. "As long as you do the same", I replied. We walked outside hand in hand, and when we got to the garage, we both had some silent tears. There's at the most, about 10% chance that we both survive this. I don't have to be #1 genius to know that. "Mello. I love you so much. I just wish.." I said but I couldn't quite finish what I was going to say, because Mello kissed me. It was a short but sweet kiss. "I know. You wish we could live normal lives, I do too, but life doesn't work that way does it?" He said, chuckling, obviously trying to not break down crying right now. "I guess we're just some gay orphans with a death wish", I said, trying to smile. He kissed me again and with much hesitation, he turned around and got on his motorcycle. I turned around and unlocked the car. I always liked this car, so it seems fitting to die in it. Mello put on his helmet, and turned the motorcycle on. I got in the car, and I shot one last loving glance and him, and my heart is dropping every second that I look. He looked at me, then looked down and sped off. There he goes. My turn.
     I'm now driving slowly, waiting for Mello's signal. Why did it have to be like this? I thought that since I finally got to be with the man I love that... Well I just thought that we wouldn't have to end like this. We are still young. We aren't even in our twenties and we are dying for gods sake! I lit a cigarette and looked out the window for anything for me to think about other than my lover dying alone.
(Quick authors note: now is time to play Far Too Young To Die by p!atd if you have it. I found it quite fitting).
     Mello sent the signal and it's time. I rushed to the area I'm supposed to and grabbed my smoke gun with one hand, with the other on the steering wheel. There was a large crowd, so it's gonna be quite difficult to escape, (not that I really expected there to be any chance at all). I opened the window, and shot it off. I heard multiple yells from the men in suits, but I also heard Mello's motorcycle engine. Please make it through this Mells. I turned the car to try and get out of the crowd but there was too many cop cars. Shit. I swerved back around, and my hands almost lost control. I hit the brakes just in time, but... I'm now trapped. No escaping, no seeing Mello one last time. There's nothing I can do, but get out of the car and see if there's any chance I can surrender. I got out of the car, and put my hands in the air. I looked for anywhere I can run, but there's no where. I saw all of the men in suits aiming at me with their guns. "Come on. Since when was the Japanese allowed to have such big guns?" I said. "Come on guys I surren-", was all I could make out before there were bullets inside my body. My head slowly fell down, and I could feel my life slipping away. "Goodbye, my love".
Mello Pov-
     "Matt? Matt!" I yelled through my radio, not getting any response. Fuck, just fuck. I got my husband killed.. No! It was Light fucking Yagami. That bastard. I turned on the small tv in the truck, and switched to the local news. "Striped man, attempting to help the mysterious kidnapper, was fortunately shot down due to their defiance to Kira. The kidnappers' location is still a mystery.." the new lady said before I turned the tv off. "I'm.. so sorry Matt. I didn't mean for you to get killed". I said. "You're going to die, Mihael Keehl". What..? Oh my god. My heart is.. No! That bitch. I CANT LET MATT DIE FOR NOTHING. After only a few seconds, I can't stand the pain and my face hits the steering wheel as I crash into a church. The last thing I see or feel is the flames yet again engulfing me, and I start to whisk away to nothing. I'm sorry Mail. I'm sorry for everything.

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