Indeemed: Tale of the Warlock.

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In a world where technology is run with magic and an empire consisting of Elves, Humans, Orc's and Trolls. A grand tragedy was set upon the people of Xildoa into an era of poverty, chaos and discontent.

For 1500 years a war of Magic between the Waz'ib empire founded after the bloody racial wars who's Mages defined Magical prowess and the Cult of Truth a splinter group of Mages who turned to the dark arts and took up the mantle of Warlock.

What followed after that war was a near literal tearing of the lands. The Empire's seven kingdoms although proven victorious are in disagreement with fate of the lands should these event reoccur.

One Warlock however did not seek destruction, a barer of no name and bared no ties to the Empire or the Cult, shrouded in mystery and sealed of emotion or expression he has been referred to as "The Husk".

His mission, to seek out and destroy power be it Warlock, Mage or a timeless relic. From the aftermath of the Mage/Warlock war, the remnants of the defeated Cult tried to gather strength, in a small town littered with corpses far as the eye could see, the homeless, the wounded, women and children were rounded up. To where a middle aged man dawning a dark red robe began to preach.

"See how your "Beloved Empire" protects you, the Brotherhood are the only one's who can save you, do not suffer any more." After stating his piece and a wave of the hand his disciples ran rampid filling the air with screams before being silenced by crackling dark green lightning arching from one disciple to the other. The culprit to the lightning was dressed in a golden-brown gown with dark green attire underneath.

"My my, how far do people go for power. It would sicken me, if I felt anything at all." He spoke out with a flat monotone voice pulling down his hood revealing an unreadable face with the only outstanding feature being a branded mark-like scar upon the middle of his forehead.

"One whom defiles the Brotherhood and a Warlock of all people, there is still time to repent for your sin my boy." The Preacher shouted at him extending his arms towards the crowd, "Show them the true meaning of- ARGH!" his sentence cut off as a dark green smog began to form around his throat.

"Enough of you, power is a lie. So now you must be vanquished." The scarred Warlock said keeping his flat unemotional tone as he proceeded to tightening the hold around the preachers neck before it snapped like a twig, releasing the hold as the body flops to the ground lifeless. "You never saw me, now live." Being his final words his eyes only turning to gaze over the crowd as he raised his hood turning around slowly.

"Wait, why did you help us if you're like him?" The village Elder asked the catalyst effect being the hooded figure stopping mid-motion in his walk slowly placing his foot down.

"Don't judge foolishly, I only did this so others won't suffer as I did. My life is a lie, love is a lie, happiness is a lie. -Everything- is a lie to me." He stated sharply without showing hints of anger before walking off again.

Hours since he left the town, sat in a Imperial Tavern with his hood still up, his eyes peering left to right and back slowly like a predator. Around him couples, guards, Mages and their pupils along with local town folk enjoying the evening. Only he was alone as he peered at the contents of his mug.

"Why does it feel like a part of me is missing." This thought ran through his mind as he took a swing from his drink, his gaze turning slightly to two Mage students sitting down beside him coursing him to hide his face even more.

"Hey, didn't you see there." the male of the two sat next to him stuttered.

"We interrupting you?" the female student then asked.

"No, don't mind me. Just a little worn out from a day of travel." the Warlock replied trying his best to keep his gaze away, this being enough for the two to turn their attention elsewhere.

The Warlock turned his sights, peering at the news board in the tavern reading the main headline "Noble families and Imperial officials set sights onto Warlock hunt, Mage Academy injected with new pupils." The notice coursing his eyes to narrow slightly.

"A new hunting ground, but I had best be cautious." he uttered to himself making his exit.

As the streets flooded with marching troops clad in armour and armed with a mixture of swords and shield combinations, others wielding black powder muskets followed close in tow with siege weaponry and finally by horse mounted troops most of them Noble born. Concealed from the public eye, the Warlock observed from the wood line turning his gaze to a pearl white horse drawn coach with golden engraving with vine patterns.

"The Empress herself is going to be there? What madness made her take such a dumb choice, I had best stick close to her." ran through his mind as he tailed the convoy along the tree line until the forest entered vast country fields coursing him to slow his pace maintaining his distance from the convoy for the remainder of the trip.

Nightfall fell fast as the Warlock kept overlooking the Imperial camp, guards positioned at the entry points and outside the Empress' tent, placing his hand on his chest he was startled by a sudden flashback.

"What was that just now?" he uttered shortly after before his gaze turned to a black hooded figure lifting the back of the Empress' tent, as he swiftly dashed bypassing the guards with no trouble before entering the tent confronting the black hooded man. He was met by a panicking thief holding on to a magical sceptre of great power barely lifted off the rest by the Empress' bedside.

"Really, of all things. This is the most spineless." the Warlock said coursing the man to startle and the Empress to wake up shocked.

"Step back! I'll kill her!" the would-be thief blurted out with fear before seizing up having trouble to breath as he fell to his knees with a simple movement of the Warlock's finger.

"Big talk, for such a low scum." his ever monotone voice and unemotional face which was uncovered from his hood due to his entrance, revealing him to the Empress who sat still witnessing what was happening before her, finally mustering up the courage to speak to the Warlock.

"Please.... stop." she whimpered causing the Warlocks gaze to slowly turn towards her before finally lowering his hand releasing the thief from the spell, however he still appeared frozen to the shock trauma of what happened.

"You had best keep that relic safe, or I'll be forced to destroy it for all sake's." the Warlock replied to her with the guards entering the tent holding their weapons drawn pointed towards him whilst he himself didn't flinch or budge to them."You're all so blind, just cause I am this does it give you the right to vanquish me." he added with a mixture of sarcasm and unimpressed this coursing the Empress to dismiss the guards with a wave of her hand, the guards dragging out the thief upon their exit.

"Why stick your neck out for someone like me?" the Warlock pondered as she stood up putting on her night gown trying to look him in the eye.

"You're not like the other Warlocks, you use the darkness, but your soul isn't tainted. I sense a lot of confusion and loneliness in you." she explained attempting to rest her hand on his cheek but is interrupting by his holding her wrist.

"Trust me, no one ever wanted to know me. Not then nor now." he uttered releasing her hand before taking his steps towards the exit.

"Stop!" the Empress said with a half demanding and half screaming tone to her voice coursing him to turning his head peering over his shoulder, "In return for saving my life, I have a request." she said cupping her hands in front of her waist now more relaxed in stance and tone before continuing, "Master Warlock, will you aid the Empire in it's time of need. I the Crown Empress shall be your aid if the Mages ask, save the Empire from the powered crazed." with her piece said she looked down expecting a decline.

"There lies powerful foe's whom need to be destroyed." the Warlock said turning his head to it's former position, "My skills are at your disposal your highness." being his final words before finally leaving her tent.

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