Fathers fall.

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The seasons of the year passed on within the Empire, the new lord of Grenar whom was seen as another Warlock threat, now stood idolised for his actions as the Empress' shield. Indeem Feestar, a name that revived his homeland from the fallen dynasty of his family who banished him upon his birth. By Autumn the harvest festival was held in Grenar with people from all over the Empire visiting, no surprise the Empress herself did so as well.

The Empress wandered around the small booming town until she finally came across her loyal warlock kneeling in front of his mothers tomb. "Lord Feestar, you never cease to amaze me. Some of my most trusted advisers almost show signs of jealousy." her soft gentle voice carried through the slight breeze air which Indeem stood to his feet giving his response in his traditional voice.

"It was her favorite day, not just for the Festival but it was my birthday. She lived long enough to see the fireworks, the Sage told me she passed away in her sleep. An hour after giving birth to me." as he spoke he turned around to face the Empress before bowing his head pausing a brief moment before speaking again. "My real name is Indeem, forgive me for not being formal sooner." This making her give off a small giggle covering her mouth with her hand.

"Well, I'm just as rude. My name is Melina and it is an honour Indeem." she replied with a curtsy, his bow finished turning his gaze up to be met with an extending of her hand out towards him. "May I have the honour of this dance with mi-lord?" she asked with a slight hint of hesitation jumping mannerly as he laid his hand in her own.

"It would be my pleasure your highness." he said as they guided to the open square acting as a natural ballroom. The two began to dance to the sound of lutes, violins and flutes with gazes of visitors and locals alike, on one side was the Empress dressed in a beautiful dress the other being the Warlock dressed in his usual robes with his hood down and the only difference being a shoulder cloak with the Imperial crest.

"You're not a bad dancer." she stated with a smile shortly after the dance finished sitting down awaiting the fireworks.

"I'm a quick learner." being his response as his gaze turned towards the skies from sounds screeching streaks and booms of fireworks, filling the star lit plain with bright color splittings.

"It's a shame this war continues, I don't how long it'll be." the Empress sighed as her figure slumped down tiredly this making Indeem look at her.

"What would you have me do milady?" he asked. His words able to bring the Empress to her former posture her gaze mirroring the starry sky as the fireworks gleamed finally resting on her lap both her hands on them.

"The Imperial army is unable to make much progress with the Warlocks, any help you can offer will be a goddess send." as her voice showed clear signs of sadness and strain. "I'm setting off there tomorrow." she added with Indeem responding almost instantaneously.

"Where the crown goes, I shall follow should my lady require my service."

The following morning the town was gathered for the departure of both Indeem and the Empress, but the towns folk and the Empress a small group of men armed with muskets in reinforced leather armour with chain mail vests.

"Captain Thados and the Grenar Militia reporting mi-lord." with Indeem giving them an approving nod as the men fall into formation behind the Empress' carriage as the small convoy set off. The journey being harsh and long forcing them to set up camp in the howling windy mountains, soldiers gathered around a large bonfire as the Empress and Indeem talked in her tent.

"I must admit your troops are enduring, most Noble family armies are triple the size but lack the compassion. I see they picked it up from your return to Grenar." she said whilst changing her clothes behind a changing wall.

"They've not had much combat experience aside from the barbarian, thug and bandit encampments surrounding the town from the reformation of the fallen dynasty. Our muskets and rifles were mainly the tools of hunters", after responding he turned around as the Empress finishes changing into golden armour with the lower half taking form of a war-skirt.

"I see you don't wear armour Indeem, why is that?" she asked her gaze observing his robes minor torn and tattered, without his gaze moving he responded.

"I prefer not to." standing upright looking at her, "My robes were all I officially feel safe in, but we must focus on tomorrow. We're in for a trial against the Warlocks, I can sense Demonic summons of vast power."

Come morning, rather then a orange sunrise the sky had become deep dark violet as the Grenar militia stood unsure of what the day would hold, Indeem and the Empress at the front of battle ready troop formations. "I've never been so afraid in my life." the Empress said turning to Indeem, his face showing no signs of fear, uncertainty or tenseness simply staring ahead narrowing his eyes.

"They're strong, but that is their downfall." he stated to both her and his troops as the ground begun to shake under foot of cultists and twisted abominations, being met by clashing waves of musket volleys with two seconds separating each barrage, whilst precise rifle shots struck foes down in a volatile thud.

"You've grown too smart and strong for your own good, my son." a voice shouted from the middle of the corpse riddled battlefield coursing Indeem to draw his Soulblade as a bright flash formed outward of the non-bladed hilt, the blade pearly white in essence whilst the edges pulsed a deep dark green. The voice belonging to a tall warrior clad in armour walked in front of Indeem before introducing himself. "Greetings your highness, I am Tomas Vaktus Feestar rightful leader of the Feestar dynasty." he said with a bow being interrupted by Indeem.

"A true man doesn't ever abandon his people, let alone his own son." to which his words hit their marks angering the warrior, as he drew his own sword from his side charging towards him their blades finally clashing between steel and magic. The duel spanned a total of seven days and six nights without stopping taking toll on both fighters, the warriors armour being shattered and Indeem's robes torn and tattered further from before, both showing bloodied wounds.

"Why, why won't you just die. My wife demands retribution!" the warrior yell coursing his voice to almost screech from lack of breathing as Indeem simply stood in his normal posture as his Soulblade faintly glowed and flickered as he responded.

"Don't you already know, I was already dead to you. Now to return the favour." and without further hesitation Indeem waved his hand creating a vortex of ash swirling around the warrior encasing him in walls of sorrow and agony, the only sound coming from within being the howling screams of the warrior as the dust dropped revealed a rotted corpse.

"Justice, is now done." Indeem said before his legs gave way passing out from his wounds and blood loss. The Soulblade faded back into it's hilt form as the Militia and Empress rushed to his aid then carrying him back to the encampment as nightfall came. In the dark of night Indeem awoke his robes removed revealing his ash toned skin and freshly marked scars of his duel. His gaze being met by the Empress by his bedside.

"You've been out for a few hours." she said masking a yawn as Indeem slowly sat up running his fingers across the mark like scar on his forehead.

"I'm free of an old life, yet I'm still wielding the dark arts." he uttered, the Empress looking into his eyes consisting a mixture of a lost soul and endless questioning. Regardless of this she broke into a smile.

"To me, your service has proven that being what you are doesn't make the truth." she explained resting the side of her head on his leg falling to sleep as Indeem simply sat upright looking down at her thinking on her words for the rest of that night.

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