Empress' Heart

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The week fluttered by as the birds migrated South for the Winter, Indeem peered around the landscape as the Grenar militia departed back for Grenar itself. Indeem however was stopped mid-motion by the Empress as she stepped out from her carriage, her face baring a gleaming smile with reddened cheeks before speaking to the stale emotionless face of Indeem.

"I would be grateful if you joined me for dinner at the palace." she said holding onto one of his hands with both of hers, the reply to her request being a nod. Late afternoon the carriage entered the city also referred as Heart of the Empire, a mixture of stone buildings with vines and plant life growing around them.

The main-attraction being the crystallized palace itself. "Welcome to Cristallum Civitatem." the Empress announced as the carriage travelled throughout the city, the inhabitants without a beat came out cheering for their Empress' return forcing Indeem to hide his figure from public eye until they arrived at the palace.

As the two entered the main hall of the Palace, they were met by two rows of servants ranging from maids, cooks, guards and important advisers as they in sync greeted her. Upon turning their gazes to Indeem as he lowered his hood revealing the ash-pale skin tone and birth mark scar caused them to gasp and guards to move hands to their sword hilts.

The Empress reassuring them he meant no harm the crowd became more eased, a maid approached shortly after and took the cloaks from her and Indeem before moving their way further in as the Empress gave a tour of the palace to her Warlock companion.

Hours passed as the tour drew to a close, another maid approached the two speaking with a hint of hesitation, "Erm... dinner is almost ready milady." to which the Empress smiled acknowledging her before turning to Indeem.

"I will have to change my attire, please follow the maid to the dinner hall and wait for my arrival okay?" she spoke with almost a whimper in her voice like she was hiding something. His only response being a nod proceeding to follow the maid towards the dinner hall.

The sun setting as it's glow basked in the stain glass windows of dinner hall, Indeem sat in silence peering around his surroundings. The walls baring paintings of prior Emperor's, Empress', Barons and Baroness' but one painting caught his attention as he stood up walking over to it for closer inspection.

"That's me." the Empress' gentle voice sneakingly broke the silence as she walked towards him wearing a violet silk gown making Indeem's robes seem like rags.

"Who painted this?" he asked turning his eyes and head slightly at her.

"My mother and I did, it was the last thing we did before she passed away." she replied looking down towards her feet slightly.

"My apologies, I didn't know." he spoke but she simply shook her head stating it was okay before the two sat down to eat. The fine dined meal finally being served as night eclipsed the room whilst the starry sky sparkling through the crystal ceiling, Indeem eating his part in silence whilst the Empress however kept her gaze fixed on him as she ate, candle light flickering in the view of his face giving a more lighter side to him.

"It's strange." she uttered making him to turn his attention to her.

"What is?" he replied to her remark before a smile broke across her face as she continued.

"You're not a Knight, nor a Mage yet since we first met, I've slowly fallen for you." her words growing more and more emotional the end trailing into a whisper.

"I don't find that strange at all, I haven't changed at all. Despite that there is a part of me that has been lifted." his voice taking a sage like tone as he picked up his glass of wine taking in the scent before sipping from it.

"But is that even possible?" she asked in which his eyes darted up looking at her own as he delivered a mix of hard statement and philosophic answer.

"What our heart wants, our mind can't understand until the puzzle is solved." he stated putting his glass down signing his finishing of the meal, the two spending the rest of the night enjoying one others company. Come morning as quickly as the wind brushed against the leafless trees of Winter, the Empress' room filled with hard carved furniture and the bed big enough for roughly four people she slept in, her waking gaze met by Indeem sleeping slump against a wall in the corner near a set of dresser draws. The sight forced her to giggle slightly creating a domino effect, his eyes darting up instantly.

"Eeep!" she flinched back under her sheets from her gaze, his own gaze meanwhile just looked around clicking his neck, "You know I don't bite, the bed is large enough for you." she finally spoke with hesitation clearly showing nervous patterns and her face almost emitting ruby red glows.

"I dare not intrude with such an offer." he responded getting up from his sleeping spot before his eyes darted towards the door "Someone draws near."

To her surprise he was right. Standing in the doorway was a tall elderly man dressed in Mage robes greeting her with a smile but turned into one of disgust as his eyes set on Indeem.

"Good morning my.... what are you doing here?" one room, a Empress, a Mage and a Warlock. Indeem simply walked out of the room through the two large doors, the air taking a sudden stale feel to it as the two magic wielders passed by.

The morning flew by until mid-day in which a full council meeting had gathered in the Throne-room and to the Empress' surprise entering the room, she witnessed a pair of guards hold their pike blades toward Indeem shackled around his wrists and feet, his gaze hollow and without any readable emotion.

"What is the mean of this!" she lashed out toward her advisers making the Elder Mage from earlier respond to her in a forceful stating tone.

"You have dishonoured your father young lady, allowing a scum like him into the sacred palace." clearly showing his growing anger towards her actions, "This council demands a vote to execute this Warlock for even setting gaze upon this place, much less setting feet inside." Indeem kept his eyes fixed at the floor, the Empress took a last look at him before snapping to her emotions.

"You're saying that we let this person, who has not lived at all to be denied that right? Time and time again he has served without question against the foulest of foe's, is that his reward for being a hero? Who is the more sinister one here Arch Mage!" her voice almost cracking as she broke into tears making Indeem look up at her and that of the other council members realising how much this Warlock meant to her.

With the vote being rejected eight to one, the shackles fell from Indeem's frame as the Empress rushed into him hugging tightly still crying, he simply stood before resting one hand on her back to comfort her uttering. "You know I can't change." these words making her give his chest a few light thumps from her enclosed hands.

"I don't care, just stay with me." her voice muffled from his chest. He didn't even try to resist, he had done all that to simply betray the feelings of whom he had served the most.

In the end he did nothing but stay whilst uttering the words, "If that is what you wish."

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