The New Empire

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Near to a week had past since the fall of Lunarsky, his slayer being a Warlock who rose to that of legend. His actions impacting all across the Empire, focal tales told around campfire and taverns alike, his name Indeem Feestar.

As for Indeem himself, whilst the Empire rejoiced the defeat over corrupt and evil of Dark Arts he questioned his place in society as he stared at himself in a mirror. "So, this is my true potent. I have become what I sought to destroy from the start." he said to himself aloud unaware that the Empress had just entered the room.

"Indeem, power isn't obtained. It's earned." her gentle voice spoke out as she rested her head on his upper arm. Alongside Indeems original robes his Demonic Dragon wings covered him like a cloak, his horned crown on his head baring chippings added to the unique stature of him. "News of you has had an unexpected turn my love." she continued causing him to snap out of his trance.

"What kind of news?" he asked turn his head to look at her, her smile still upon her face bright as the first time they had met.

"There are young Warlocks who're now unsure and afraid of their place and seek guidance. You having faced and proved that Darkness can serve alongside Goodness makes the Empire stronger and prevent further bloodshed." she explained still resting her head on his arm but now taking hold of one of his wings wrapping herself in it.

'How could I have been so naive at first, I may look like this but it doesn't define me. She is right' he first thought before speaking his typical reply "If that is what you wish." The day continued with the pair walking around the city checking up on the populace and repair progress from the fight, Indeem kept his wings wrapped around like a second robe with only the zigzag lining seeming out of place.

"Ah, Empress, Indeem. What a pleasant surprise." a high pitch excited tone rang out of no where. The culprit being the bubbly researcher Tari as she ran towards them both, "Repairs are coming along on time." she continued giving a nervous chuckle rubbing her head.

"I apologize." Indeem reacted to her notion giving a bow.

"For what?" Tari simply responded confused.

"I don't scare you like this?" he asked now being the one confused.

"Oh no no, I haven't had a wink of sleep for four days." Tari waved it off with a giggle. As Indeem looked around the work force give the occasional wave toward him as they spot him, this made him even more confused and out of place.

"Something wrong my love?" the Empress asked spotting this, Indeem simply shook his head before peering at the sky. The clouds pearly white within the vast blue sea of above caused him to think more, least until the two had to move on.

As nightfall dawned at the Palace it wasn't just any night, but the Spring ball. A celebration of both love and remembrance to the previous year, as Indeem entered his room he spotted something folded up on his bed.

"Who left this?" he uttered as he opened it then picked it up shortly after, the contents unfurled downwards revealing it fully. A dark green robe with shaded golden outlining baring a Imperial style crest but something was different, gazing closer at it the Imperial crest normally consisting of a Hippogrypth holding a scroll and sword with angelic wings in the foreground.

This crest had the same Hippogrypth was holding a Soulblade and amulet in it's hands identical to Indeem's with Demonic wings in the foreground the words 'Shroud-defenders' written underneath. "She did this? For me?" he uttered again as a note fell to the floor he picked it up with one of his wings reading it.

'Indeem, this robe was specially made for you and the new Warlock academy within the Empire. Also my father has acknowledged our love and are set to marry' upon reading this he felt still as ice his mind warped with thoughts of confusion. His confusion ceased by a familiar voice in his head.

"My son, I can see your confusion and hidden feelings. You are a changed man now, all I ever wanted was for you to be happy so please. Do it for me." the voice of his mother echoed in his mind, causing his eyes to tear up. For once he was truly happy, to this point his life was a lie and judged for what he was.

"If... that is what you wish... mother... and thank you." Indeem forced himself to say wiping the tears away with the palms of his now dragon like hands he took a long look at the tears that laid on the ash-pale skin, a smile shortly followed before he discarded his old robes casting out the last remnant of his former self putting on the new dark green robes his left wing covered by a shoulder like cloak. Exiting the room a maid gleaming a smile asked him to follow and await the announcement.

"Ladies and gentleman, as you well know from recent events. The Mage and Warlock war has dealt serious blows to our way of life, claimed the lives of many. However it was not a prophecy Mage that'd save us, but one born with the Dark arts who wanted to find his place among us." one of the council Mages called out followed by a round of applause before continuing.

"Underneath the things he was judged for was a boy, lost and confused. A lost son of the Feestar name, he rose to do nothing but serve and that has earned him his current status. Men, women and children of the Empire, I am proud to present to you. Our Empress and our new crown Prince, may the Goddess bless us with ever-long peace." with that a much louder round of applause filled the room as Indeem and Empress exited the curtains leading to the balconies of the stairs. Indeem on the left, Empress Melina on the right the two proceeded to meet in the central stairs.

"You.. wore it. You really did." Melina said almost shocked, looking down in minor embarrassment. Indeem stood silent looking out the corner of his eye at the crowd below.

"Think they expect something, milady would you grant my request?" he asked taking a bow offering his hand. She smiled taking a curtsy placing her hand on his as they proceeded to the ballroom floor the sound of a piano, flutes and violins starting to play. The two shared a dance, the music being the only noise as they did with the eyes of many gazing upon them.

This moment was the keystone in co-operation of forces of Dark and Good, some ask whatever happened to the Demonic Dragon Prince and Empress afterwards. Well that is a tale for another time.

Author's note: Big thanks to those who've read the whole story, it was one of my first to linger around in my noggin, hope you enjoyed and please leave feedback for mistakes I've made. Leave a vote too if I've earned it.

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