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     I sighed to myself as I waited for someone to deliver the tv I promised to Jungkook, I can't believe he did that huge puzzle in such a short time.


I heard a knock at the door and I opened it to see Henry standing there with the tv on a cart.

My face lit up red and my legs got shakey as I pushed my hair behind my ear and stepped back as he wheeled it in and smiled at me.

"Are you bored?"

I blushed even harder and giggled softly.

"Um...you could say that."

No, I lost a bet with a robot.

He set it off of the cart and I stared at him as he looked into the clearing and started pulling the tv that way.

I couldn't let him see Jungkook...so I quickly stepped in front of him and grabbed the box and he blushed while looking straight at me.

"Um...I was gonna help you set this up..."

"Uh..hmm...no, I can do it myself."

I punched myself mentally as he nodded softly and waved while walking out and I groaned softly, a missed chance at a cute guy, just my luck.

shaking off the deep disappointment, I dragged the heavy box into the clearing where Jungkook was waiting with his face pressed against the glass watching me with a big smile on his face.

"Is this my television Dr. Marks?"

I smiled and nodded softly at his current state, he looked like a child.

"It is Jungkook."

Then I froze as I got to his door.

I have only been around Jungkook for about a week or so...was I suppose to open the door and go in his room? I stopped and looked at him dead square in his eyes.

"Back up Jungkook. And stay sitting on your bed. Do not come towards me or I will shut you down."

He blinked and I think I saw hurt on his face as he obeyed my commands and sat down on his bed while I reached in and unlocked the giant unbreakable glass door.

It hissed and creaked, sliding open causing me to swallow hard, gathering all courage inside of me I drag the box all the way to the other side of his room and my breathing is hard, it didn't have to be so big.

I need to work out more I guess...They could've sent me smaller TV.

Wait....this has to be put together?! What kind of shit is this. I have to carry it all the way across the room and now I have to put the entire thing together?!

In the middle of my cursing thoughts I heard Jungkook's voice softly

"I can help you Dr. Marks.."

I blushed softly and looked over as he innocently sat over on his bed looking at me and I sighed deeply.

I don't know how to put a television together....maybe he knows....

I looked at him and blinked, trying not to look so nervous

"Do....do you...promise you won't like hurt me and try to escape?..."

Jungkook nodded softly and smiled, flashing his cute bunny teeth.

"You fixed me Dr. Marks, I could never wish to harm you. You take care of me."

My heart didn't slow down any as it was racing but I closed my eyes and groaned.

"fine, come over here and sit beside me."

He nodded and walked calmly over and sat beside me while grabbing each little piece and examining it fully.

He went to work putting it together, having me hold bolts for him and I watched slightly amazed about how he knew how to put things together so well, then again, he had a Hay day with that puzzle.

After about ten solid minutes, I helped him snap the outside cover onto the tv and it was completely done.

I smiled and mounted the tv on the wall for him and he smiled the entire time while flipping through every channel, his eyes filled with happiness.

"Dr. Marks, I like this television."

I smiled at him and then he pulled me into a gentle hug, I could tell he was trying not to scare me but still, my heart stung in slight fear, I blushed as he spoke softly.

"Isn't this the method humans use to say thank you?"

I nodded softly and hugged him back hoping he didn't crush me and run away to take over the world.

After a few seconds he let go and sat on the floor close to the tv and kept clicking through the channels, smiling boysishly and enjoying the fruits of his success.

I returned outside of the room and once again locked the airtight door while softly watching Jungkook.

He was like a small child but at the same time my same age...I smiled to myself as I logged all of our activity in my recorder and stood up to go to sleep.

I looked up at the clock and then over at Jungkook,

"Tonight I'll let you off easy but after today, you go to bed when I do and the tv goes off, alright?"

He nodded and I chuckled softly at his boyish grin then once again as I walked down the hallway I heard a familiar soft voice.

"Goodnight Dr. Marks."

My heart did something weird, it didn't clutch in fear this time, it clutched in a different emotion...a strange emotion.

Shaking my head to clear the feeling from my chest, I turn around and offer him a light smile, giving a soft wave.

"Goodnight Jungkook."

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