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Ah...everything's so hazy....

Where am I?....

My head....hurts...why....

The so bright...

Opening my eyes very slowly, I'm met with an intensewhite hot pain piercing through the back of my head.

"Ah...what the hell.."

Looking up my eyes are met with an extremely concerned Jungkook staring down at me intensely.

"E-Emily! Are you alright?!"

His voice cracks as if he's about to start crying, if he could.

Nodding softly and rubbing my head I prop myself up to see I'm in Jungkook's bed and he had moved his I have to start all over.

"Don't worry Kookie....I'm alright..."

"You've been asleep for two days....I was scared...that you wouldn't wake up..."

Looking up at him I place my hand softly on his cheek, he huffs and pouts while putting his hand on top of mine and running his thumb across my fingers.

"'ll take a lot more than that to take me out Kookie...please don't worry..."

He nods and looking up at the wall I grit my teeth hard.

They're watching my every move.

Looking back at Jungkook I prop myself against the wall and look at him.

"Lay your arm on my lap, hand me the wires and my tools I'll finish your arm."

He reluctantly grabs everything and places it beside me on the bed, then laying his hand tenderly on my lap I start popping the wires back out to slowly replace each and every one.

Breathing softly, I smile looking at Jungkook's arms...they're so manly even though they're made purely of metal...

Catching me off guard, Jungkook lays his face in my neck softly, making me blush hardcore.

"Emily...can I sleep?..."

I nod in response while patting his head and rubbing his back.

"Sure go ahead Kookie, I'll keep working on your arm it'll be done a lot quicker this time I know what I'm doing."

With that, his body relaxed and slowly he entered into sleep mode, making him feel somewhat cold from the system rest.

Looking over at his face I smile as I replace the wires quietly, seeing him sleep made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, he always looked so at he must have been worried the whole time I was hurt...

Popping the plate back on his arm, I sigh and very carefully press the button and watch his arm pulse blue and come back to life.

Smiling and clapping to myself I compliment my excellent work, I mean come on, who else knows how to rewire a robot arm?

Stretching my arms I move Jungkook so his head is on my lap, definitely a more comfortable position in my opinion.

Pushing my fingers very softly through his hair I start to think of a plan, there is definitely something fishy going on here, and I need answers.

I have to find out the real reason they wanted me to come in here, giving a robot a conscience is something everyone should know, especially working at a huge company like this that takes years of experience.

Why did they choose me? mimd whirls with possibilities of the oush for me to oush the contract, not giving me an opportunity to even read it, I wonder what is lost inside of the words of that contract.

My freedom, that's what.

Sighing softly, I move Jungkook onto the bed and make my way towards the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror I blink and gasp softly.

A huge bruise is formed in the corner of my forehead trailig down to my cheekbone, a deep shade of blue and purple speckling the inside.

My hand looks no better either, that must have been a high voltage camera because my entire hand is a deep red color with little bruises all over it.

Or...someone didn't want me messing with their cameras.

Feeling extremely paranoid, I finish in the bathroom and walk into the clearing while searching everywhere for any kind of clue.

Another camera, a mic, anything out of the ordinary.

Finding nothing and feeking frustated, I can't help but to tear up thinking about how deep all this could go.

Am I caught up in some weird government conspiracy?

Do I have a deeper purpose than just training a robot?

Getting on the computer I search every log possible, anything that was recorded before I came into this lab, anything on what could actually be going on.


Every system is completely wiped clean until the date I arrived in here.

Grunting in frustration I throw the mouse across the room feeling like a crazy person needing a padded room.

Seething and scared, I open the door and walk into Jungkook's room while crawling inti his bed and snuggling as close to him as possible.

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his warmth I sniffle and allow myself to cry.

This is getting scarier and scarier by the day.


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