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The next morning I woke up to Jungkook laying beside me fast asleep, his arms folded protectively around me while his breathing was slow and steady.

I looked up at his face softly and examined him slowly, his features chiseled but gentle.

I slowly sat up and groaned with an extreme headache, recalling everything that happened to me the day before caused shivers to make their way up my spine.

Jungkook sat up immediately and looked at me with eyes full of concern,

"Emily..how are you feeling?..."

"I feel better today Jungkook...don't worry."

I greeted him with a soft kind smile to relieve is obvious bad nerves, standing up off of his bed I blushed hard as I looked down and relaized, I was wearing only my bra and underwear.

My face turned red as a fire truck as I tried to cover myself with my hands, Jungkook must have felt my embarrassment because he pulled one of his shirts on me and buttoned it up softly, but kept his eyes closed the entire time.

Great, the robot just saw me half naked, good job Emily.

When he opened them, he smiled softly,

"You look very pretty..."

I blushed and rubbed his cheek softly and hugged him, trying not to die from the extreme embarrassment.

"Thank you....for....for saving me...yesterday..."

I felt his joints tighten and he hugged me back gently.

"Emily....I would do anything for you...anything...you're....you're my person..."

My heart fluttered and I looked up at his shy boyish face and I couldn't help myself anymore, my heart betrays me so much.

"You're.....you're my person too Jungkook.."

He looked at me in pure shock and I smiled innocently, Then after a few minutes I released him from my hug and sighed as I scratched my head at the piles of broken glass.

"Well....time to get a new piece of glass and a new door..."

Jungkook's face twisted in hurt as he looked at me.

"Why?...Can't I just walk around like you?.."

"Jungkook... It's-"

"Will I be stuck in this room forever Emily?...Will I ever be able to do things like a normal person?.."

He cut me off and I looked up at his face and my heart sank to my stomach.

"Jungkook....I....I want you to live normally....but..."

"But I'm a robot."

I looked up at him and his eyes were full of hurt, who knew that eyes made from metal and gears, could look so hurt and betrayed.

I took a deep breath, ending the conversation, and walked out of his room while changing into my normal clothes and grabbed the phone to order new glass for his door.


Later that afternoon after they installed the new glass and door, I bowed softly and let them out hoping they don't ask questions as to why all of this got busted, then turned towards Jungkook hiding in the trash can.

"You can come out now..."

I watched him slowly emerge and his face was still full of hurt, his lips turned down into a boyish pout.

Still watching him as he laid on his bed and turned away, his back facing me while his signs on the computer showed he was in sleep mode.

I sighed softly and walked into the room to cover him up and something caught my eye under his bed.

I reached under and grabbed the piece of paper and tears welled in my eyes.

It was a picture Jungkook has drawn and it showed me snuggling up to him and he colored his chest red with the word "Love" written where his heart is supposed to be.

He's actually fallen in love with me....and I'm trapping him in a room...thinking about Jungkook makes my heart flutter so much...He's saved me countless times before, and it seems like I'm leading him on.

slowly laying in Jungkook's bed with him, I rubbed his back softly.

I felt him wake up and he turned over and looked at me tenderly.


I pressed my finger against his lips to hush him up, my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest and I have to say this now, or it'll never be said.

"Jungkook....I...I might be in love with you...I know this might seem crazy....but all this time I've been spending with you...you...you're....not like a robot to me...you're like a person...you care for me...and I didn't think any of this was possible...but..."

His eyes grew wide and he looked at me and very slowly, I pressed my lips against his.

His lips were soft and warm just like if they were human, softly morphing with mine cradling my mouth with his. His arms slowly wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close as he kissed me genttly and deeply. I loved the feeling, I felt so safe at that moment...everything felt so right.

After he pulled away he smiled wide with warm eyes, all hurt gone from his tender blue eyes.

I blushed and hid my face in his chest while he chuckled softly.

"Is that...what kissing is?.."

I nodded softly and quietly as I tried to process the fact that I just kissed a robot.

"I....I like it..."

I looked at him and started giggling from both pure embarrassment and his flushed expression. Soon enough we both were enveloped in soft laughter all alone in our laboratory, our little place of solitude.


Later that night, I saw Jungkook asleep in his bed and I turned off his light while shutting the computers down as I slowly walked into my room and sat down on my own bed.

I wanted to be in his room again...close to him....it felt like it was meant to be with him.

He's so warm and comforting...I sleep so well when I'm next to him....also, still a little freaked out about the Henry situation, just sayin.

Pouting softly, I made my way into his room as quietly as possible and crawled into his bed with him and through the process, Jungkook woke up and turned towards me.

"Is something the matter?"

I shook my head and smiled as I snuggled up to him.

"No....I just...want to sleep with you...I don't like my room..."

He nodded and pulled me close to him while playing with my hair softly.

All the lights were off in the laboratory and all you could hear is the machines beeping softly.

Soon Jungkook's voice broke the silence and my heart skipped a beat.

"I....I love you Emily...Goodnight..."

I blushed softly and smiled wide while snuggling closer to him.

"I....Love you too Jungkook.... Goodnight."

This is perfection....

(A/N): Kek. Fluff for now, but it's fixing to get real for Dr. Marks :P

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