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     What the actual fuck.

Holding the small beeping object in my hand my body begins to shake, this situation goes way deeper than I thought.

I'm doing more than just examining Jungkook, they have different plans for me.

Throwing the small mechanical piece on the floor I step on it as hard as I can with my foot, causing it to crunch underneath me and with a piercing sound, the red light dies along with the mic.

Breathing hard I glare down at the now crumbled mic, how dare they not let me in on what's actually going on.

How dare they trap me in here like a guinea pig, monitoring me while I'm studying their robot.

Kicking the pieces across the floor I look over to see Jungkook staring at me.

"Emily...what's wrong? Your heartrate is at an unhealthy level. Are you afraid of something?"

Jungkook's words sound haunting in me ears, am I afraid of what's going on?

Yes....yes I am...I'm terrified.

"'m alright...too much coffee that's all."

He nods at my response and smiles with his cute bunny teeth, bringing a warmth to my current situation. He always knows how to make my heart melt.

Walking over to the door I press my forehead againt the window, causing Jungkook to repeat my action and look at me tenderly.

"Please don't let the coffee make your heart scared."

I bust out into a deep laugh when he says that, he sounds so sincere thinking coffee makes my heart scared. Sometimes he's too adorable for his own good.

"Jungkook, go rest for now. You need to keep your battery from getting too hot, we're still trying to develop a better one."

I need to be able to think without Jungkook distracting me, I feel bad for sending him to bed but I can't have him going all red zone again if he feels like I'm in trouble.

He nods and walks over to his bed, slowly covering himself up and turning his lights off, thankfully he offered full cooperation. Now I can try to better understand what's happening.

Pacing the floor I try to use my best critical thinking skills to put together a possible motive for all of this. There's no way it has anything to do with me because if they wanted a death machine, they wouldn't have had me put a conscience.

Grunting in frustration I stomp my foot and look over at the giant metal door, the barrier between me and my full freedom.

Walking over to it, I grab onto the door handle and narrow my eyes.

Before when Henry would come with supplies, I could freely open the door whenever he knocked. I guess we'll see if that still applies comsidering I'm in on their little secrets, sort of.

Tugging on the door knob, my heart sinks as I hear a familiar clunking sound.

It's locked.

My chest tightens with panic as I let my hand slide down the thick metal door, they've officially locked me in...they probably know by now I'm onto them, and they're taking security measures.

What will happen to me if they come here..

Leaning my forejead against the door a tear rolls down my cheek, feeking completelt and utterly defeated.

Punching the door I walk over to the computer and grab my recorder, feeling furious and extremely scared.

"This is Dr. Emily Marks, reporting on robot Jungkook. I don't know what's going on in this place, but if anything is to....happen to me...I want the world to know, the government is out for more than just a robot. They're looking for something more, and I am going to find out."

Letting my thumb off the record button I feel tears falling down my cheeks in a steady stream, the deeper I get into this, the more I feel like I may not make it out of this alive.

Lowering my head down on the desk, I close my eyes and try to get a little bit of sleep before my next explore session.

My eyes pop open after about an hour and I sit up while looking back at the door. If I can find a way to disable the cameras, I can figure out how to open the door without them finding out.

I won't have much time though, they probably have the highest level of comouter scientists keeping an eye on both of us, but for the sake of Jungkook and myself, I need to know.

Picking up the pieces of the mic, I grab a torch and start fusing them together, trying my best to make a transmitter than can possibly create a frequency high enough to disable the cameras for a few minutes.

I'll have a few minutes to get that door open, this has to work.

My hands feel like they're about to snap fitting all the tiny pieces into place, with this device I'll get my freedom for long enough to ask someone some serious questions.

Flipping the tiny switch my heart jumps with excitement seeing the light once again beam red, signifying the frequency is working.

Standing back up on the table I fasten the little black box beside the camera, being careful not to get shocked into the next century again, seeing my reflection in the camera the long bruise on my face still very deep and purple.


Swallowing hard I press the button and look over at the camera, hoping this will work.

Smiling wide I watch as the camera lights fade, letting me know they're down.

Hopping off of the table I race over to the door, using each of my tools to try and pop the lock open, this is all I need, I know how to get to the CEO's office.

I can make it there and ask him questions and get a full understanding.

Working as fast as possibke sweat drips down my forehead from anxiety, I feel like a person from one of those spy movies trying to decode a bomb.

Squeaking I hear the door lock clunk open and I pull it open as hard as I can.

I can see the light of the's been so long..


Looking down at my chest I feel a sting and blinking I see a little dart sticking out of my chest, the neon green puffball on the end causing me to exhale in horror.


My stomach twists and feels sick as my vision begins to blur on me, my legs stumbling and failing to keep me upright.

As my vision darkens all I see is the door closing once again and my heart twists as I fall to the ground, feeling a hard hit to my head.

Looks like my

Also, I love all my readers ♡ Cyberheart is my most read story so thank you for loving it and loving me ♡ it means so much ♡

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