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It has been about two weeks since Jungkook got his television and it was like he was in love.

He watches everything he can and in between I'd buy him movies so he could see something different but what he loved most was romance movies, how odd.

Talking to myself into the recorder I list every reaction Jungkook has to the TV and I can't help but to stare at him deeply, watching is every moce with a smile.

My stomach interrupts my recordings with a growl as I sigh, once again a knock sounded on the door and I knew who it was, Henry bringing me food, thank god.

I've never been the best cook, I mostly live on instant noodles, but here they have all kinds of weird ingredients in the fridge.

Opening the door I smiled at him as he had two plates of food this time.

I blushed and his face was a light shade of pink as he cleared his throat.

"Um...I thought...maybe I could eat with you tonight? It must get lonely down here all by yourself..."

I blinked in light shock and quietly nodded as I moved the table into the middle of the tiny room and sat down softly.

He smiled and looked around as he took a bite then looked at me.

"So...what are you doing down here all by yourself hmm?"

I smiled softly and took a bite of the mashed potatoes.

"Well not much really....just doing independent studies."

"Oh? What are you studying?"

"Um...well we work in robotics so just robotic engines and whatnot."

I felt like he was probing me for information...I started feeling nervous for Jungkook all of a sudden.

"Did you know I heard that someone in here is hiding a robot?"

My eyes widened and I started choking on my food. Henry stood up and got me a glass of water, after I got myself calmed down I looked at his surprised face.

"Oh really...that sounds ridiculous...we aren't advanced enough to have robots...that's just silly.."

Yeah, there totally isn't a robot in the next room.

Henry looked unfazed and I just sighed, ready for him to leave, he's suddenly making me extremely nervous.

"Thank you Henry, but I better get back to studying...thank you for the meal.."

He nodded softly and wished me goodbye I waited patiently for him to leave, ahowing him the door I locked it behind me, feeling relieved.

Walking back into the clearing Jungkook knocked on the glass with a smile.

"Dr. Marks?"

"Yes Jungkook?"

"Would you like to watch this movie with me?"

I stared at his boyish face as he smiled softly and I blushed.

Should I go back into the room...maybe this would help but the whole communicating with humans part of the study.

I logged it into the recorder and then unlocked the door while walking in and shutting it.

"Alright Jungkook but just this one movie."

He smiled and pulled his bed across the room in front on the tv and sat criss-cross on it while patting the space beside him.

He's so adorable at times.

"Here you go Dr. Marks, you can sit here beside me."

I giggled and sat beside him while sitting just like he was and he grabbed the remote while turning on another romance movie, awkward.

I sat there quietly watching it and I felt Jungkook put a blanket around my shoulders, mimicking the actions of the actor in the movie.

I blushed hard and looked at him as he pointed at the tv with a cute look.

"You looked cold like the person in the movie..."

I smiled and pulled it around me while scooting closer to him,

"You're right, it's chilly in here, your senses are improving I see, it says in your manual you can read people's emotions."

Jungkook smiled and shifted lightly, obviously enjoying the praise, softly he looked at me and our eyes met.

" do you feel about humans?"

My sudden question even surprised me.

Jungkook looked up at me with his blue eyes and stroked my cheek, his fingers brushing against my skin.

"I know I feel something about you...Dr. Marks..."

I looked up at him with wide eyes and I froze, Robots can't fall in love with humans.

it isn't it?

I stared at him in pure white shock, wondering if I even heard him correctly.

It must just be a line from the movie...right?

He doesn't actually.....I've only known him for two months..

He blinked and got a hurt look as he looked back at the tv, I couldn't help but to hug him, my chest heavy with guilt.

Maybe I should have not allowed him to watch that many romance movies, I haven't even known Jungkook for that long and he's already pledging his love for me.

Maybe it's all fake, if I explain the situation then maybe he can understand...

"'re a..."

"I'm a robot. I know Dr. Marks."

His voice was sad as he looked at me with his icy blue eyes, remaining quiet for the rest of the movie, not offering any ounce of further concersation.

Aww...poor Jungkook...what should I do?...


After the movie was over, I helped him move his bed back to it original spot and right as I was about to leave he pulled me into another hug and I smiled while hugging him back softly.

He does know affection....really well apparently.

Even though I've only been with Jungkook maybe two months....I feel like I've known him my entire life...he's so warm...

Staying there hugging me for a while, Jungkook let go and pushed my hair behind my ear then as I left his room he turned his tv off and turned his head softly.

"Dr. Marks?"

"Yes Jungkook?"

"Will you watch a movie again with me tomorrow?"

"Sure Jungkook, maybe we can make that a daily part of our routine, it was fun."

I saw him smile to himself as he laid down and I walked towards my room.

"Goodnight Dr. Marks."

"Goodnight Jungkook."

As I laid in bed that night I couldn't help thinking about what Jungkook had said....I mean I gave him a conscious and a personality just like every other human has...could he actually...end up having human feelings....for a human....even though...he's a robot?...

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