Chapter Five

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                Reuben was cuddled into my arms as we watched the news headlines, three more teenage boys dead. In our area, all had the same looking appearance, around the same ages. Trusting my gut instinct I decided that they weren't just killing for the hell of it, they were looking for someone.

Someone with black hair, blue eyes, around seventeen/eighteen years old. Wow, I just described myself, I tensed. "Holy crap" I blurted, Reuben looked to me immediately, "What's wrong babe?" he asked his eyes wide fear crossing through him.

I shook my head, "Nothing, I'm just worried for your safety" I announced which was mostly true. I pulled him into my chest and he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck, "I'm worried for you" he whispered. So am I baby, so am I.

"Baby, I’m going out shopping. Stay indoors ok?" Reuben's mum ordered coming in the lounge while filling her purse. She looked to me then gave me a look of 'protect my son' then she kissed his forehead then mine and left the house.   Reuben then released me and pushed me down flat on my back, he positioned himself in between my legs. I looked at him curiously.

"I want to take you" he whispered. I laughed, "Other way round, no way are you sticking your juice box in my perfect virgin as-" I froze remembering I wasn't a virgin in the ass anymore, Angelos took it. I froze then looked to Reuben to see him staring at me curiously, "Are you ok?" he cooed.

I nodded then sat up and rubbed my forehead, Reuben caught my hands, I looked to him then he gently entwined our lips. Our bodies pressed to one another’s, his slender fingers ran up and down my muscular body, my hands cupped his ass and brought him so his legs wrapped around my waist. He started grinding into me; I groaned then felt as his fingers slid up my shirt raking up and down on my abs. I allowed him to take off my shirt in an instant then I leaned into him more making his back press onto the sofa, smirking knowing I had him where I wanted him I slid my hand down his pants grasping his hardening member. His back arched in pleasure. 

 "God, you're so sexy Reuben" I moaned out and he smirked then our conversation ended. I grinded into him, feeling myself straining against my boxers. His grasped my bulge through my trousers then squeezed, I put my head back groaning in pleasure.    I opened my eyes to see Angelos stood there, my eyes widened "Holy fuck-" I fell off Reuben, he looked down shocked but confused at what happened, he looked to Angelos and Angelos put his hand up in a surrendering mode.

"I apologize, I didn't mean to interrupt but the door was unlocked and I'm here to talk to Raum" Angelos said smoothly, his eyes met mine and something flashed through them and was quickly gone, my eyes widened and my throat ran dry.  Reuben looked from me to Angelos who was now looking to the ground, "Are you cheating on me!" he shouted which made both my creation and I jump.

"W-What, of course not Reuben" I said my eyes wide, he stood up then corrected his outfit. I grabbed my shirt then put it back on quickly.  He looked to Angelos, "Have you two fucked?" he demanded. Angelos looked back and forth between me and my soon to be ex-boyfriend, I shook my head frantically in Angelos' direction while he shot a confused glance back.

"Fucked?" he questioned. Oh god, he was so innocent and new to these terms.

"Yeah, you know. Banged, Made love, sex" Reuben seethed, the last word caught Angelos' knowledge, he looked to the kid, "We only shared body heat"

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