Chapter Twenty-Five

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                                                   From The Depths Of Hell

Chapter Twenty-Five: Part 2

I slid along the floor but caught myself and stood straight growling fiercely at Michael. I had blood running down my face from a cut I foolishly received from him on the side of my face. My right arm was practically useless from him snapping the bone and my left foot was badly wounded from where he threw some purity spell at me causing it to sizzle when it touched any part of my body.

“You have minutes left to live Raum Samael” Michael sneered gripping his sword tightly, getting ready to lunge. I snorted, “Don’t look too hot yourself”

One of Michael’s arms was burnt badly and since he was using his strength on me he couldn’t summon up enough to heal himself. He had a bad gash on his cheek which was leaking blood which dripped down onto the marking I gave him. To prevent him from flying around I had also stabbed him in the shoulder-blade right next to a slit where his wing protruded. That wound seems to be the most painful for him but he rejects the thought but I see him wince whenever he stretches out his wings or simply ruffles them.

“These are mere scratches which I could easily receive from a child” He mocked but I wasn’t stirred in the slightest. I could hear the accelerated heart beats and the cover-up of his pants.  “What, you don’t get along with children either? Some angel you are”

He flit and soon enough we were clashing swords once again. “I have a fair amount of children of my own but I’m an archangel so we have more important things to do than changing diapers”

I rolled my eyes ducking as he brought the sword for my head. “Excuses, I think you’re a bad father”

I raised a brow, “So yours is so perfect? You didn’t even come from a womb so you don’t hold a true connection to anybody” All he was doing was trying to make me angry so I would foolishly lash out and make a fatal mistake which results in my head separated from my body.

“I have a belly button so I was connected to something” I explained but he rolled his eyes. “Probably another human feature Lucifer gave you so you would fit in, don’t think you’re so special, runt”

I cocked my head allowing a smirk to caress my lips as I purred to him, “At least I’m not my father’s bitch.” He snapped. I felt his power explode out of him which made his hair rustle as it whipped around him. His eyes were glowing white in rage

No matter his injury he expanded his wings to their extent in an attempt to intimidate me and I’d be lying if he had failed. His wings were massive and truly beautiful as the wings were shimmering under the light yet held a golden tinge to them.

His blonde hair seemed to lighten as his powers grew. He was applying all his strength into a final attack. The weight of his ability spread at a large radius so everyone around would be able to sense and fear him. The pressure was getting heavier which made it heavier for me to move. I kept a flat expression so he wouldn’t think too highly of himself though.

“I’ll show you the difference between an angel and an Archangel but it will be the last thing you see.”

I refused to die without at least putting up a little bit of a fight against his true strength. I closed my eyes tapping into the beast’s maximum strength. I felt the backs of my eyes tingle and as my body started to heat up dramatically.

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